Identity value validation

The following table outlines existing rules you must follow to ensure a successful validation of your identity value.

NamespaceValidation ruleSystem behavior when rule is violated
  • The identity value of an ECID must be exactly 38 characters.
  • The identity value of an ECID must consist of numbers only.
  • If the identity value of ECID is not exactly 38 characters, then the record is skipped.
  • If the identity value of ECID contains non-numerical characters, then the record is skipped.
  • The identity value cannot exceed 1024 characters.
  • Identity values cannot be “null”, “anonymous”, “invalid”, or be an empty string (for example: " ", “”, " ").
  • If the identity value exceeds 1024 characters, then the record is skipped.
  • The identity will be blocked from ingestion.

Identity namespace ingestion

Starting March 31, 2023, Identity Service will block the ingestion of Adobe Analytics ID (AAID) for new customers. This identity is typically ingested through the Adobe Analytics source and the Adobe Audience Manager source and is redundant because the ECID represents the same web browser. If you would like to change this default configuration, please contact your Adobe account team.