Activate audiences to streaming destinations
To activate audiences and enable the mapping step of the workflow, you need the View Destinations, Activate Destinations, View Profiles, and View Segments access control permissions.
To activate audiences without going through the mapping step of the workflow, you need the View Destinations, Activate Segment without Mapping, View Profiles, and View Segments access control permissions.
To export identities, you need the View Identity Graph access control permission.
Overview overview
This article explains the workflow required to activate audiences in Adobe Experience Platform streaming destinations.
Prerequisites prerequisites
To activate audiences to destinations, you must have successfully connected to a destination. If you haven’t done so already, go to the destinations catalog, browse the supported destinations, and configure the destination that you want to use.
Select your destination select-destination
Go to Connections > Destinations, and select the Catalog tab.
Select Activate audiences on the card corresponding to the destination where you want to activate your audiences, as shown in the image below.
Select the destination connection that you want to use to activate your audiences, then select Next.
Move to the next section to select your audiences.
Select your audiences select-audiences
To select the audiences that you want to activate to the destination, use the check boxes to the left of the audience names, then select Next.
You can select from multiple types of audiences, depending on their origin:
- Segmentation Service: Audiences generated within Experience Platform by the Segmentation Service. See the segmentation documentation for more details.
- Custom upload: Audiences generated outside of Experience Platform, and uploaded into Platform as CSV files. To learn more about external audiences, see the documentation on importing an audience.
- Other types of audiences, originating from other Adobe solutions, such as Audience Manager.
Map attributes and identities mapping

Some audience streaming destinations require you to select source attributes or identity namespaces to map as target identities in the destination.
In the Mapping page, select Add new mapping.
Select the arrow to the right of the Source field entry.
In the Select source field page, use the Select attributes or the Select identity namespace options to switch between the two categories of available source fields. From the available XDM profile attributes and identity namespaces, select the ones that you want to map to the destination, then choose Select.
Use the Show only fields with data toggle to only display schema fields populated with values. By default, only populated schema fields are shown.
Select the button to the right of the Target field entry.
In the Select target field page, select the target identity namespace that you want to map the source field to, and choose Select.
To add more mappings, repeat steps 1 to 5.
Apply transformation apply-transformation
When you are mapping unhashed source attributes to target attributes that the destination expects to be hashed (for example: email_lc_sha256
or phone_sha256
), check the Apply transformation option to have Adobe Experience Platform automatically hash the source attributes on activation.
Schedule audience export scheduling
By default, the Audience schedule page shows only the newly selected audiences that you chose in the current activation flow.
To see all the audiences being activated to your destination, use the filtering option and disable the Show new audiences only filter.
On the Audience schedule page, select each audience, then use the Start date and End date selectors to configure the time interval for sending data to your destination.
Some destinations require you to select the Origin of audience for each audience, using the drop-down menu underneath the calendar selectors. If your destination does not include this selector, skip this step.
Some destinations require you to manually map Platform audiences to their counterpart in the target destination. To do this, select each audience, then enter the corresponding audience ID from the destination platform in the Mapping ID field. If your destination does not include this field, skip this step.
Some destinations require you to enter an App ID when activating IDFA or GAID audiences. If your destination does not include this field, skip this step.
Select Next to go to the Review page.
Review review
On the Review page, you can see a summary of your selection. Select Cancel to break up the flow, Back to modify your settings, or Finish to confirm your selection and start sending data to the destination.
Consent policy evaluation consent-policy-evaluation
If your organization purchased Adobe Healthcare Shield or Adobe Privacy & Security Shield, select View applicable consent policies to see which consent policies are applied and how many profiles are included in the activation as a result of them. Read about consent policy evaluation for more information.
Data usage policy checks data-usage-policy-checks
In the Review step, Experience Platform also checks for any data usage policy violations. Shown below is an example where a policy is violated. You cannot complete the audience activation workflow until you have resolved the violation. For information on how to resolve policy violations, read about data usage policy violations in the data governance documentation section.
Filter audiences filter-audiences
Also in this step you can use the available filters on the page to display only the audiences whose schedule or mapping has been updated as part of this workflow. You can also toggle which table columns you want to see.
If you are satisfied with your selection and no policy violations have been detected, select Finish to confirm your selection and start sending data to the destination.
Verify audience activation verify
Check the destination monitoring documentation for detailed information on how to monitor the flow of data to your destinations.