Create a date filter create-date-filter
To filter your insights by date, you must add parameters to your SQL queries that can accept date constraints. This is done as part of the query pro mode insight creation workflow. See the query pro mode documentation to learn how to enter SQL for your insights.
Query parameters allow you to work with dynamic data as they act as placeholders for the values you add at execution time. These placeholder values can be updated through the UI and enable less technical users to update the insights based on date ranges.
If you are unfamiliar with query parameters, see the documentation for guidance on how to implement parameterized queries.
Apply a date filter to your dashboard apply-date-filter
To apply a date filter, select Add filter, then Date Filter from the dropdown menu of your dashboard view.
You are presented with the following date filtering options.
Create a no custom date filter
To apply a predefined date filter, select No custom date, then select the predefined date options you want to include. Finally, use the dropdown to select the default date range, then select Save.
You are returned to the dashboard, which shows the default date range you previously selected. Use the dropdown menu to select another preset date range.
Create a custom date range filter
To apply a custom date range filter, select Custom date range, then select the predefined date options you want to include. Finally, select Custom to set the default date range. Use the calendar to specify a date range, then select Save.
You are returned to the dashboard, which shows the custom data range you previously specified. Use the dropdown menu to select another preset date range.
Create a custom date filter
To apply a custom date filter, select Custom date, and select the predefined date options you want to include. Finally, select Custom, then use the calendar to select a start date. Finally, select Save.
You are returned to the dashboard, which shows the custom data you previously specified. Use the dropdown menu to select another date.
Delete a date filter delete-date-filter
To remove your date filter select the delete filter icon (
Edit your SQL to include date query parameters include-date-parameters
Next, ensure your SQL includes query parameters to allow for a date range. If you have not yet incorporated query parameters in your SQL, edit your insights to include these parameters. See the documentation for instructions on how to edit an insight.
parameters to your SQL statement in each of the charts that you want to enable date filters for.If the data model or tables you are analyzing have a time component, you can group your data by date and then apply these date filters.
The example SQL statement below demonstrates how to incorporate $START_DATE
parameters and uses cast
to frame the time component as a date.
SELECT Sum(personalization_consent_count) AS Personalization,
Sum(datacollection_consent_count) AS Datacollection,
Sum(datasharing_consent_count) AS Datasharing
FROM fact_daily_consent_aggregates f
INNER JOIN dim_consent_valued
ON f.consent_value_id = d.consent_value_id
WHERE BETWEEN Upper(Coalesce(Cast('$START_DATE' AS date), '')) AND Upper
Coalesce(Cast('$END_DATE' AS date), ''))
AND ( ( Upper(Coalesce($consent_value_filter, '')) IN ( '', 'NULL' ) )
OR ( f.consent_value_id IN ( $consent_value_filter ) ) )
The screenshot below highlights the date constraints incorporated in the SQL statement and the query parameter key value pairs.
Enable date parameters in each insight enable-date-parameters
Once you have incorporated the appropriate parameters to your insights’ SQL, the Start_date
and End_date
variables are now available as a toggles in the widget composer. See the query pro mode widget population section for info on how to edit an insight.
From the widget composer, select toggles to enable the Start_date
and End_date
Next, select the appropriate query parameters from the dropdown menus.
Finally, select Save and close to return to your dashboard. Date filters are now enabled for all insights that have start and end date parameters.