[B2B Edition]{class="badge informative"} [B2P Edition]{class="badge informative"}

Account Profile insights

Account profiles are used to consolidate account information from various sources, including multiple marketing channels and organizational systems. This unified view enables a comprehensive understanding of customer accounts, enhancing B2B marketing campaigns. The insights derived from the analysis of your data model make your Adobe Real-time Customer Data Platform B2B data more accessible, understandable, and impactful for decision-making.

With access to the SQL that powers your insights, you can better understand your B2B data and generate your own highly customized reusable insights to further explore your customer account information. Transform your raw data into new actionable insights by using the existing Real-Time CDP data model SQL as inspiration to create queries for your unique business needs.

The following insights are all available for you to use as part of the Account Profiles dashboard or a custom dashboard. See the customization overview for instructions on how to customize your dashboard or create and edit new widgets in the widget library and user-defined dashboard.

Account profiles added account-profiles-added

Questions answered by this insight:

  • How many account profiles have been added over a given period?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
WITH accounts_by_mm_dd AS
          SELECT    d.date_key,
                    COALESCE(Sum(a.counts), 0) AS account_counts
          FROM      adwh_b2b_date d
          LEFT JOIN adwh_fact_account a
          ON        d.date_key = a.accounts_created_date
          WHERE     d.date_key BETWEEN Upper(COALESCE('$START_DATE', '')) AND       Upper(COALESCE('$END_DATE', ''))
          GROUP BY  d.date_key)
SELECT   date_key,
FROM     accounts_by_mm_dd
ORDER BY date_key limit 5000;

New accounts by industry accounts-by-industry

Questions answered by this insight:

  • What are the top five industries that the account profiles belong to?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
WITH rankedindustries AS
           SELECT     i.industry,
                      Sum(f.counts)                                   AS total_accounts,
                      Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY Sum(f.counts) DESC) AS industry_rank
           FROM       adwh_fact_account f
           INNER JOIN adwh_dim_industry i
           ON         f.industry_id = i.industry_id
           WHERE      f.accounts_created_date BETWEEN Upper(COALESCE('$START_DATE', '')) AND        Upper(COALESCE('$END_DATE', ''))
           GROUP BY   i.industry )
                  WHEN industry_rank <= 5 THEN industry
                  ELSE 'Others'
         END                 AS industry_group,
         Sum(total_accounts) AS total_accounts
FROM     rankedindustries
                  WHEN industry_rank <= 5 THEN industry
                  ELSE 'Others'
ORDER BY total_accounts DESC limit 5000;

New accounts by type accounts-by-type

Questions answered by this insight:

  • What is the count of accounts by their type?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
SELECT t.account_type,
       Sum(f.counts) AS account_count
FROM   adwh_fact_account f
       JOIN adwh_dim_account_type t
         ON f.account_type_id = t.account_type_id
WHERE  accounts_created_date BETWEEN Upper(Coalesce('$START_DATE', '')) AND
                                     Coalesce('$END_DATE', ''))
GROUP  BY t.account_type
LIMIT  5000;

Opportunities added opportunities-added

Questions answered by this insight:

  • How many opportunities have been added over a given period?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
SELECT d.date_key,
       Coalesce(Sum(o.counts), 0) AS opportunity_counts
FROM   adwh_b2b_date d
       LEFT JOIN adwh_fact_opportunity o
              ON d.date_key = o.opportunities_created_date
WHERE  d.date_key BETWEEN Upper(Coalesce('$START_DATE', '')) AND
                          Upper(Coalesce('$END_DATE', ''))
GROUP  BY d.date_key
ORDER  BY d.date_key
LIMIT  5000;

New opportunities by person role opportunities-by-person-role

Questions answered by this insight:

  • What is the relative size and count of the various roles in an opportunity?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
SELECT p.person_role,
       Sum(f.counts) AS opportunity_counts
FROM   adwh_fact_opportunity_person f
       JOIN adwh_dim_person_role p
         ON f.person_role_id = p.person_role_id
WHERE  f.opportunity_person_created_date BETWEEN
       Upper(Coalesce('$START_DATE', '')) AND Upper(Coalesce('$END_DATE', ''))
GROUP  BY p.person_role
LIMIT  5000;

New opportunities by revenue opportunities-by-revenue

Questions answered by this insight:

  • What are the top 20 opportunities ranked by their revenue (in USD)?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
WITH ranked_opportunities AS
           SELECT     n.opportunity_name,
                      Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY a.expected_revenue DESC) AS rank
           FROM       adwh_opportunity_amount a
           INNER JOIN adwh_dim_opportunity_name n
           ON         a.name_id = n.name_id
           INNER JOIN adwh_dim_opportunity_source_type t
           ON         n.source_type_id = t.source_type_id
           WHERE      a.opportunity_created_date BETWEEN Upper(COALESCE('$START_DATE', '')) AND        Upper(COALESCE('$END_DATE', ''))
           AND        a.isclosed='false' )
                  WHEN rank <= 20 THEN opportunity_name
                  ELSE 'Others'
         END                   AS opportunity_name,
         Sum(expected_revenue) AS total_expected_revenue
FROM     ranked_opportunities
                  WHEN rank <= 20 THEN opportunity_name
                  ELSE 'Others'
ORDER BY total_expected_revenue DESC limit 5000;

New opportunities by status & stage opportunities-by-status-and-stage

Questions answered by this insight:

  • What open opportunities are there and at which stage of the sales or marketing funnel are they?
  • What closed opportunities are there and at which stage of the sales or marketing funnel are they?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
WITH opportunities_by_isclosed AS
         SELECT   f.isclosed,
                  Sum(f.counts)             AS opportunity_counts,
                  COALESCE(s.stage, 'null') AS stage
         FROM     adwh_fact_opportunity f
         JOIN     adwh_dim_opportunity_stage s
         ON       f.stage_id = s.stage_id
         WHERE    opportunities_created_date BETWEEN Upper(COALESCE('$START_DATE', '')) AND      Upper(COALESCE('$END_DATE', ''))
         GROUP BY f.isclosed,
              WHEN isclosed='true' THEN 'Closed'
              ELSE 'Open'
       END AS opportunity_closed,
FROM   opportunities_by_isclosed limit 5000;

New opportunities won opportunities-won

Questions answered by this insight:

  • What is the count of opportunities that have been successfully closed or finalized?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
WITH opportunities_by_iswon AS
         SELECT   iswon,
                  Sum(counts) AS opportunity_counts
         FROM     adwh_fact_opportunity
         WHERE    opportunities_created_date BETWEEN Upper(COALESCE('$START_DATE', '')) AND      Upper(COALESCE('$END_DATE', ''))
         GROUP BY iswon)
              WHEN iswon ='true' THEN 'True'
              ELSE 'False'
       END AS opportunity_won,
FROM   opportunities_by_iswon limit 5000;

Opportunities won (line graph) opportunities-won-line-graph

Questions answered by this insight:

  • How many opportunities have been successfully closed or finalized (won) over a given period?
Select to reveal the SQL that generates this insight
code language-sql
WITH opportunities_won_counts AS
         SELECT   opportunities_created_date,
                  Sum(counts) AS opportunities_counts
         FROM     adwh_fact_opportunity
         WHERE    iswon='true'
         AND      opportunities_created_date BETWEEN Upper(COALESCE('$START_DATE', '')) AND      Upper(COALESCE('$END_DATE', ''))
         GROUP BY opportunities_created_date)
SELECT    d.date_key,
          COALESCE(o.opportunities_counts, 0) AS opportunity_won_counts
FROM      adwh_b2b_date d
LEFT JOIN opportunities_won_counts o
ON        d.date_key = o.opportunities_created_date
WHERE     d.date_key BETWEEN Upper(COALESCE('$START_DATE', '')) AND       Upper(COALESCE('$END_DATE', ''))
ORDER BY  d.date_key limit 5000;

Next steps

By reading this document, you now understand the SQL that generates account profile dashboard insights and what common questions this analysis solves. You can now edit and iterate on the SQL to generate your own insights.

You can also read and understand the SQL that generates insights for the Profiles, Audiences, and Destinations dashboards.
