Visitor identification via FPID

First-party IDs (FPIDs) are device IDs generated, managed, and stored by customers. This gives customers control over identifying user devices. By sending FPIDs, the Edge Network does not generate a brand new ECID for a request that does not contain one.

The FPID can be included in the API request body as part of the identityMap or it can be sent as a cookie.

An FPID can be deterministically translated into an ECID by the Edge Network, so FPID identities are fully compatible with Experience Cloud solutions. Obtaining an ECID from a specific FPID always yields the same result, so users will have a consistent experience.

The ECID obtained this way can be retrieved via an identity.fetch query:


For requests that contain both an FPID and an ECID, the ECID already present in the request will take precedence over the one that could be generated from the FPID. In other words, the Edge Network uses the ECID already provided and the FPID is ignored. A new ECID is only generated when an FPID is provided on its own.

In terms of device IDs, the server datastreams should use FPID as device ID. Other identities (i.e EMAIL) can also be provided within the request body, but the Edge Network requires that a primary identity is explicitly supplied. Primary identity is the base identity to which profile data will be stored in.

Requests that have no identity, respectively no primary identity explicitly set within the request body, will fail.

The following identityMap field group is correctly formed for a server datastream request:


The following identityMap field group will result in an error response when set on a server datastream request:


The error response returned by the Edge Network in this case is similar to the following:

   "title":"No primary identity set in request (event)",
   "detail":"No primary identity found in the input event. Update the request accordingly to your schema and try again.",

Visitor identification with FPID

To identify users via FPID, ensure that the FPID cookie has been sent prior to making any requests to the Edge Network. The FPID can be passed in a cookie or as part of the identityMap in the body of the request.

Request with FPID passed as identityMap field

The example below passes the FPID as an identityMap parameter.

-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
-H "x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}"
-H "x-api-key: {API_KEY}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
   "event": {
      "xdm": {
         "identityMap": {
            "FPID": [
                  "id": "e98f38e6-6183-442d-8cd2-0e384f4c8aa8",
                  "authenticatedState": "ambiguous",
                  "primary": true
         "web": {
            "webPageDetails": {
               "URL": ""
            "webReferrer": {
               "URL": ""
         "device": {
            "screenHeight": 1440,
            "screenWidth": 3440,
            "screenOrientation": "landscape"
         "environment": {
            "type": "browser",
            "browserDetails": {
               "viewportWidth": 1907,
               "viewportHeight": 545
         "placeContext": {
            "localTime": "2022-03-21T21:32:59.991-06:00",
            "localTimezoneOffset": 360
         "timestamp": "2022-03-22T03:32:59.992Z",
         "implementationDetails": {
            "name": "",
            "version": "1.0",
            "environment": "serverapi"
   "query": {
      "identity": {
         "fetch": [