Maintenance Release Notes maintenance-release-notes
The following section outlines the technical release notes for the maintenance releases of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service associated with 2024.7.0 feature activation.
Release 17098 release-17098
Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 17098, which was publicly released on July 16, 2024. The previous maintenance release was release 16971.
The 2024.7.0 feature activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.
Enhancements enhancements-17098
- SKYOPS-79817: Enable Sling Feature Analyzer Task for Service User Mappings.
Fixed Issues fixed-issues-17098
- ASSETS-39665: Smart Crops Sync not working after migrating from 6.5 to AEMCS.
- FORMS-14993: Forms API returning 500 for the previously working collateral.
- GRANITE-52120: CRXDE returning 500 when showing Access Control data.
- GRANITE-52573: Requests returning 400 when using // in re-written URLs.
- GRANITE-52746: All Node Types not loaded in Create Node dialog.
- GRANITE-52777: Broken handling of 404s when the request is wrapped.
- GRANITE-52871: Ensure publish-worker is synced with golden-publish and is completed before compaction.
- SKYOPS-79173: Replicator not replicating to multiple agents matching a given AgentIdFilter.
- SKYOPS-80075: Issues with Umlauts in Asset Names Causing Publishing Queue Blockage (Mac).
- SKYOPS-81032: Filter out logs generated by requests to get logs when using Enhanced Logging.
Known Issues known-issues-17098
Change Notice change-notice-17098
- Starting in September 2024, AEM as a Cloud Service will disable the serialization of Resource Resolvers via the Sling Model Exporter framework. See the documentation for more details.
Deprecated Features and APIs deprecated-17098
Deprecated and removed features and APIs in AEM as a Cloud Service are detailed in the Deprecated and Removed Features and APIs document.
Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-17098
Release 16971 release-16971
Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 16971, which was publicly released on July 3, 2024. The previous maintenance release was release 16799.
2024.7.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.
Enhancements enhancements-16971
- SITES-22948: Remove commerce references in foundation content for AEM CS.
- SITES-22141: [Content Fragments] SegmentNotFoundException from CFM ModelChangeRepositoryImpl after OnRC.
- SITES-21893: Image Cropping Issue on Author Instance.
- SITES-21788: [Content Fragments] Display NOTE in CF and CF model editor when uiSchema is enabled for the model.
- SITES-21688: MSM rollout does not update experience fragment (XF) path on live copy pages.
- SITES-21659: Return full name of the user creating/modifying/replicating a Model resource.
- SITES-21609: OpenAPI endpoint to migrate content fragments from one model to the other.
- SITES-21598: [Open API] Create CFM - return error if the given Configuration Path doesn’t exist.
- SITES-21491: [Open API] CF PATCH endpoint should respect live relationships at field level.
- SITES-21434: [Open API] CF GET endpoint should respect live relationships at field level.
- SITES-21415: CF Editor - support UUID references.
- SITES-21326: [Open API] Provide information about the presence of references for a Content Fragment.
- SITES-21310: [Open API] Add id of Content Fragment in translations API response.
- SITES-20859: CF Open API - Return references when retrieving a fragment by path.
- SITES-20687: [Open API] Endpoint for batch processing status retrieval.
- SITES-20657: [Open API] Provide option to match whole word when replacing a string using
endpoint. - SITES-20587: [Open API] Create
endpoint for Content Fragments. - SITES-20584: [Open API] Optimize reference retrieval.
- SITES-20308: [Open API] Enable batch processing on API.
- SITES-19976: [Open API] Generic UI schema for conditional fields.
- SITES-19556: [Content Fragments] Update uiSchema if it exists when model is edited.
- SITES-18056: [Open API] When publishing a content fragment to Preview, include references.
- SITES-16898: [Schema] OpenAPI endpoint to migrate content fragments from one model to the other.
- SITES-16609: List Launches endpoint.
- SITES-16606: Create Launch Endpoint.
- SITES-21617: Make Page Properties/Metadata editable within UE.
- SITES-19614: Spreadsheet editor pagination and infinite scroll.
- SITES-22163: Improved support for content served from publish tier for Edge Delivery Sites.
- SITES-22109: Improved handling of richtext markup post processing.
- SITES-22035: Improved handling of MSM and Launches.
- SITES-21839: Improved path mapping and sanitization for content not served by Edge Delivery.
Fixed Issues fixed-issues-16971
- CQ-4356898: [Translation] outOfMemory error for CF which contains an unusually large number of links.
- CQ-4357055: [Translation] Auto translation not working using Rest API.
- CQ-4353931: [Translation] Add jcr:uuid in translation source page/xf/asset when it is missing.
- CQ-4357591: [Translation] Modify “Associate JCR:UUID” workflow to work for Pages/XF.
- FORMS-14844: Adaptive Forms allow form submission despite failing reCAPTCHA verification.
- FORMS-14984: Forms with CAPTCHA skip validation if “submitMetaData” is absent in submitted data.
- FORMS-14477: The “Is After” and “Is Before” options in the rules editor malfunction in Date Picker validation.
- FORMS-14019: Rule editor’s “Invoke Service” functionality is not working in Universal Editor.
- FORMS-14336: When no form field is selected, the editor should open with focus on the entire form element.
- FORMS-15061: Loader circle persists indefinitely upon using invoke the service option in the rule editor.
- SITES-22457: Promoting a launch that is not deep is not updating source content.
- SITES-22748: [Content Fragments] Enhance error handling for Content Fragment Update Job.
- SITES-22349: [Content Fragments] ContentType for empty multiline cf-elements cannot be changed.
- SITES-22343: [Content Fragments] Semantic type “enumeration” is broken.
- SITES-22194: After setting the redirect, model.json doesn’t work anymore.
- SITES-21953: [Open API] Etag gets changed based on the ordering of the validationStatus.
- SITES-21894: [Open API] Enhance parent path validation when creating CFs.
- SITES-21887: [Open API] Invalid ETag returned by POST variations endpoint.
- SITES-21657: [Open API] Improve validation on CF Search Path property.
- SITES-21949: Search APIs invalid cursor returns 500.
- SITES-20927: Search APIs return a 500 when the query is missing.
- SITES-20544: [Open API] Change the generation of publish package names in order to avoid oak conflicts.
- SITES-19710: CVE-2022-47937 - Remove all usages of from Page Editor.
- SITES-11992: [Accessibility] Annotation swatch selector button missing an accessible name.
- SITES-10979: [Accessibility] Label is not persistent.
- SITES-10962: [Accessibility] Button: Button does not have a role.
- SITES-10905: [Accessibility] State of active component lacks a 3 to 1 contrast ratio.
- SITES-2974: [Accessibility] - Horizontal scrolling at 320px width.
- SITES-22026: Unable to Move Experience Fragments Between Folders in AEM.
- SITES-22106: Language Switch Functionality Issue in New Content Fragment Editor.
- SITES-21980: Inconsistent handling for UUID-based reference types.
- SITES-7257: NPE in ThumbnailServlet.
Known Issues known-issues-16971
Change Notice change-notice-16971
- Starting in September 2024, AEM as a Cloud Service will disable the serialization of Resource Resolvers via the Sling Model Exporter framework. See the documentation for more details.
Deprecated Features and APIs deprecated-16971
To know what is deprecated or removed in AEM as a Cloud Service, see Deprecated and Removed Features and APIs.
Security Fixes security-16971
AEM as a Cloud Service is dedicated to optimizing your platform’s security and performance. This maintenance release addresses 13 identified vulnerabilities, reinforcing our commitment to robust system protection.