Maintenance Release Notes maintenance-release-notes
The following section outlines the technical release notes for the maintenance releases of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service associated with 2024.11.0 feature activation.
Release 18598 18598
Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 18598, which was publicly released on November 13, 2024. The previous maintenance release was release 18311. Release 18459 has been made private because of an issue.
The 2024.11.0 feature activation will provide the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.
Enhancements enhancements-18598
- CQ-4357471: Add support for i18n Dictionaries Translation in AEMaaCS.
- FORMS-11646: Setting globalContext Variables for AEM Forms relevant pages.
- FORMS-14833: The AEM Forms now has the capability to include Adaptive Form fragments in final Document of Record (DoR).
- FORMS-14255: Users can now benefit from an auto-save feature that saves a partially completed form as a draft automatically. They can return later to finish filling it out on the same or other device.
- SITES-23591: Content Fragments: Content fragment upgrade for UUID support.
- SITES-25440: Content Fragments: CFM Search API to show replication status.
- SITES-24369: Content Fragments: OpenAPI documentation improvements.
- SITES-25478: Content Fragments: Add back-end support for external asset references.
- SITES-26119: Content Fragments: Add support of external asset references in reference type.
- SITES-24609: Content Fragments: Enhance validation when deleting Content Fragments.
- SITES-21199: Edge Delivery with Universal Editor: Add suppprt for templates created from pages.
- SITES-20311: Edge Delivery with Universal Editor: Add support to import CSVs into Spreadsheets.
- SITES-24821: Edge Delivery with Universal Editor: Make / the default to integrate with Edge Delivery.
Fixed Issues fixed-issues-18598
- CQ-4358730: CQPagePreviewGenerator fails when there are more than 10 keys to be translated.
- CQ-4358028: AEM project creation fails when a user with only project-administrators group uploads a new thumbnail on the project creation page.
- FORMS-14978: Enabling page load for a Core Component based form for theme editor.
- FORMS-15682: The issue involves AEM Forms and Dynamics FDM integration. When a user submits a form, the Document of Record (DOR) is not being sent as a PDF attachment to the specified entity field.
- FORMS-15799: Adobe Sign GovCloud Signature page does note render in iframe.
- FORMS-16113: When a user, who is an admin of the Adobe Sign account, tries to access a document sent by another user (also an admin), the get agreement API may return a different agreement ID than the one initially generated when the agreement was created.
- FORMS-16596: Accessibility Issue: Disabled Buttons Not Recognized by Screen Reader.
- GRANITE-53907: Unable to identify service user as workflow super user.
- SKYOPS-90560: Latest Sling Model release impacts performance of Sling Model export.
- SITES-10575: MSM: Blueprint Bloomfilter Loader tries to load >100,000 rows.
- SITES-20755: Content Fragments: Asset reference with UUID refresh doesn’t show the thumbnail.
- SITES-26253: Content Fragments: UUID migration: Change sling job topic to be generic.
- SITES-21338: Content Fragments: referencedBy endpoint does not return the correct page reference.
- SITES-24421: Content Fragments: Edit CF endpoint does not work for CF retrieved via GET CF.
- SITES-25461: Content Fragments: Filter by model in search for CFs should be case-insensitive.
- SITES-25471: Content Fragments: Fix validation of global models in the ModelValidatorServlet.
- SITES-25795: Content Fragments: CF Model API is failing when there is no cq date set.
- SITES-25817: Content Fragments: Enhance promoteLaunch: update last promotion for CF Launches.
- SITES-26030: Content Fragments: Endpoint /referencesTree doesn’t return needed header.
- SITES-26031: Content Fragments: Replication status not returned on CFM search endpoint.
- SITES-26213: Content Fragments: Unpublish content fragments should only validate published references.
- SITES-26226: Content Fragments: Start workflow issue when none of the given paths are usable.
- SITES-26238: Content Fragments: The asset references returned by the API have a different order than the order from JCR.
- SITES-25456: Events: When moving a page, a page-deleted event is generated besides the page-moved event.
- SITES-25658: Events: The tier and sourceUrl are not populated in the page content state events.
- SITES-6497: Launches: Create page in launch not working.
- SITES-25938: Launches: Unexpected deletion post Translation project.
- SITES-25393: Edge Delivery with Universal Editor: Text nodes lost when rendering formatted richtext with single paragraph.
- SITES-24643: Edge Delivery with Universal Editor: OpenGraph and twitter metadata attributes not working in page metadata model.
- SITES-25401: Experience Fragments: Slow XF reference update.
Known Issues known-issues-18598
Deprecated Features and APIs deprecated-18598
Deprecated and removed features and APIs in AEM as a Cloud Service are detailed in the Deprecated and Removed Features and APIs document.
Security Fixes security-18598
AEM as a Cloud Service is dedicated to optimizing your platform’s security and performance. This maintenance release addresses 21 identified vulnerabilities, reinforcing our commitment to robust system protection.