User Mapping and Principal Migration user-mapping-and-principal-migration

For previous versions of the User Mapping Tool, see the legacy documentation.

Introduction introduction

As part of the transition journey to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service, users and groups (or ‘principals’) must be migrated from existing AEM systems to AEM as a Cloud Service. This task is done by the Content Transfer Tool.

A major change to AEM as a Cloud Service is the fully integrated use of Adobe IDs for accessing the author tier. This process requires use of the Adobe Admin Console for managing users and user groups. The user profile information is centralized in the Adobe Identity Management System (IMS) that provides single sign-on across all Adobe cloud applications. For more details, see Identity Management. Because of this change, existing users must be mapped to their IMS IDs so that they can access AEMaaCS using their IMS profiles. Since groups in traditional AEM are fundamentally different from groups in IMS, groups are not mapped, but the two sets of groups must be reconciled after the migration is complete.

Principal Migration Details principal-migration-detail

The Content Transfer Tool and Cloud Acceleration Manager will migrate to the cloud system any principals associated with the content being migrated. The Content Transfer Tool does this by copying all principals from the source AEM system during the extraction process. CAM Ingestion then selects and migrates only those principals associated with the content being ingested. If a principal is on an ACL or CUG policy of migrated content, that principal and all groups it is in and their ancestor (parent) groups will all be migrated. Further, if a principal on the content is a group, all its descendent (child) groups and users will also be migrated.

User Mapping Details user-mapping-detail

AEM users can be mapped to corresponding Adobe IMS users with the same email address. This mapping can be done automatically in CTT (during the extraction step), and whether it is done or not can be controlled by a toggle before extraction is started. The toggle’s default setting can be overridden by the user when starting extraction.

  • If the source system is an author instance, by default the choice to do the mapping is on, because it is the recommended process.
  • If the source system is a publish instance, by default the choice to do the mapping is off, because users are not normally migrated or used on publish instances; or if they are used, a different authentication system (that is, not IMS) is typically used for them.

Whether or not users are mapped during extraction, they, along with the groups, are migrated to the cloud system during ingestion if they are associated with content being migrated.

Important Considerations when Mapping and Migrating Users important-considerations

Exceptional cases exceptional-cases

The following specific cases are logged:

  1. If a user has no email address in the profile/email field of their jcr node, the user in question may be migrated but is not mapped. This scenario is the case even if the email address is used as a user name for logging in.
  2. If the user is disabled, it is treated the same as other users; it is mapped and migrated as normal, and remains disabled on the cloud instance.
  3. If a principal exists with any of the same uniqueness-constrained data (rep:principalName, rep:authorizableId, jcr:uuid or rep:externalId) on both the source AEM instance and the target AEM Cloud Service instance, the principal in question is not migrated and the previously existing principal on the cloud system remains unchanged. This is logged in the Principal Migration Report.
  4. If a user is not mapped to IMS via user mapping, the user profile on the cloud AEM system will not be recognized by IMS; in this case, if they log in via IMS a new (duplicate) profile will be created on AEM but it will not contain their previous profile information. The original user profile will exist on the cloud AEM system, but they will not be able to log into it via IMS, only using the traditional AEM method (local login). For this reason, mapping all users is highly recommended for all author migrations.

Additional Considerations additional-considerations

  • If the setting Wipe existing content on Cloud instance before ingestion is set, principals previously transferred to the Cloud Service instance are deleted along with the entire existing repository; a new repository is created into which content is ingested. This process also resets all settings including permissions on the target Cloud Service instance and is true for an admin user added to the administrators group. The admin user must be re-added to the administrators group to retrieve the access token for CTT/CAM Ingestion.
  • When non-wipe ingestions are performed (Wipe existing content is unset), if content is not transferred because it has not changed since the previous transfer, users and groups associated with that content are not transferred either. This rule is true even if the users and groups have changed on the source system. This is because users and groups are only migrated along with the content they are associated with. Because of this, any principals new to a group on the source system will not be migrated unless they are part of a different group that is being migrated, or in the ACL of different content being migrated. To migrate these principals afterwards, consider using packages, or deleting principals from the target and re-migrating the relevant content (Extract with overwrite and Ingest with wipe).
  • Duplicate email addresses are not permitted in IMS, but they are permitted in AEM (both on-premise and in the cloud). A user may log into AEM via IMS using their email address, and they will be logged into the user profile referenced by IMS.
  • See Migrating Closed User Groups for extra considerations for principals used in a Closed User Group (CUG) policy.

Final Summary and Report final-report

Once the extraction and ingestion have completed successfully, a report is generated showing the principal migration details. See How to Validate the Principal Migration for the details.
