Download assets download-assets-from-bp

Adobe Experience Manager Assets Brand Portal enhances the download experience by letting users simultaneously download assets and folders accessible to them from Brand Portal. This method means that approved brand assets can be securely distributed for offline use. Read on to know how to download assets (approved assets) from Brand Portal, and what to expect from the download performance.

In Brand Portal 2020.10.0 (and above), the Fast Download setting is enabled by default, which uses IBM® Aspera Connect for accelerated download of the assets. Install IBM® Aspera Connect 3.9.9 ( in your browser’s extension before downloading the assets from Brand Portal. See the guide to accelerate downloads from Brand Portal.
If you do not want to use IBM® Aspera Connect and continue with the normal download process, contact the Brand Portal administrator to turn off the Fast Download setting.

Configure asset download configure-download

Brand Portal administrators can configure the asset download and user group settings for Brand Portal users. This ability lets users access and download asset renditions from the Brand Portal interface.

The download settings on the user interface provide a self-service experience for Brand Portal users, letting them configure and download asset renditions easily. It does not restrict the download of assets at the application layer, for example, the users can still access and download asset renditions with the complete URL path.

The following configurations define how you access and download the asset renditions from the Brand Portal interface:

  • Enable download settings
  • Configure user group settings

Enable download settings enable-download-settings

The administrators can enable the Download Settings to define the set of renditions accessible to the Brand Portal users for download.

The available settings are:

  • Fast Download

    It provides accelerated download of the assets using IBM® Aspera Connect. By default, the Fast Download setting is enabled in the Download Settings.

  • Custom Renditions

    Enables downloading custom and (or) dynamic renditions of the assets.

    All the asset renditions other than the original asset and system-generated renditions are called custom renditions. It includes static as well as dynamic renditions available for the asset. Any user can create a custom static rendition in Experience Manager Assets, whereas only the administrator can create custom dynamic renditions. See how to apply image presets or dynamic renditions.

  • System Renditions

    Enables downloading system-generated renditions of the assets.

    These assets are thumbnails that are automatically generated in Experience Manager Assets based on the “DAM update asset” workflow.

  • Asset Download

    Renditions are downloaded in separate folders for each asset. This setting applies to folders, collections, and bulk downloads of more than 20 assets.

Log in to your Brand Portal tenant as an administrator and navigate to Tools > Download.

The administrators can enable any combination of settings for the Brand Portal users to access and download asset renditions.

Only the administrators can download the expired assets. For more information about expired assets, see manage digital rights of assets.

Configure user group settings configure-user-group-settings

In addition to the Download Settings, the Brand Portal administrators can further configure settings for different group of users to view and (or) download the original assets and their renditions.

Log in to your Brand Portal tenant as an administrator and navigate to Tools > Users. In the User Roles page, navigate to the Groups tab to configure the view and (or) download settings for the user groups.


If a user is added to multiple groups and if one of those groups has restrictions, the restrictions apply to the user.

Based on the configuration, the download workflow remains constant for stand-alone assets, multiple assets, folders that contain assets, licensed or unlicensed assets, and the download of assets using share link.

The following matrix defines if a user would have access to the renditions depending on the download configurations:

Download Settings: Custom Renditions
Download Settings: System Renditions
User Group Settings: Download Original
User Group Settings: Download Renditions
View and download all renditions
View original asset
View and download the original asset
View and download original asset and custom renditions
View and download original asset and system renditions
View original asset
View original asset
View original asset
View and download the original asset
View original asset

Download assets download-assets

Brand Portal users can download multiple assets, folders containing assets, and collections from the Brand Portal interface.

Contact the Brand Portal administrator if you do not have permission to access or download the asset renditions.

If the user has access to renditions, the user is provided with the enhanced Download dialog with the following capabilities:

  • View all the available renditions of any asset in the download list.
  • Exclude renditions of assets that are not required for download.
  • Apply the same set of renditions to all the similar asset types in one click.
  • Apply a different set of renditions for different asset types.
  • Create a separate folder for each asset.
  • Download selected assets and their renditions.


The Download dialog appears only if Custom Renditions and (or) System Renditions is enabled in the Download Settings.

Steps to download assets bulk-download

Following are the steps to download assets or folders containing assets from the Brand Portal interface:

  1. Log in to your Brand Portal tenant. By default, the Files view opens which contains all the published assets and folders.

    Do one of the following:

    • Select the assets or folders that you want to download. From the toolbar at the top, click the Download icon.


    • To download specific asset renditions of an asset, hover the pointer over the asset and click the Download icon available in the quick action thumbnails.


      note note
      If you are downloading the assets for the first time and do not have IBM® Aspera Connect installed in your browser, it prompts you to install the Aspera download accelerator (
      note note
      If the assets you downloaded also include licensed assets, you are redirected to the Copyright Management page. In this page, select the assets, click Agree, and then click Download. If you choose to disagree, licensed assets are not downloaded.
      License-protected assets have a license agreement attached to them, which is done by setting the asset’s metadata property in Experience Manager Assets.


  2. The Download dialog listing all the selected assets opens.

    Click any asset to view the available renditions and select the check boxes corresponding to the renditions you want to download.

    You can manually select or exclude the renditions for individual assets, or click the Apply icon to select the same set of renditions to download for similar asset types (all image files in this example). In the Apply All dialog, click Done to apply the rule to all the similar assets.


    You can also remove an asset from the download list (if required) by clicking on the Remove icon.


    To maintain the Brand Portal folder structure when downloading assets, select the Create separate folder for each asset check box.

    The download button reflects the count of the selected items. Once you are done with applying the rules, click Download items.


  3. By default the Fast Download setting is enabled in the Download Settings. Therefore, a confirmation box appears to allow accelerated download using IBM® Aspera Connect.

    To continue using Fast Download, click Allow. All the selected renditions are downloaded in a zip folder using IBM® Aspera Connect.

    If you do not want to use IBM® Aspera Connect, click Deny. If Fast Download is denied or fails, the system populates an Error message. Click the Normal Download button to continue downloading the assets.

If the Fast Download setting is turned-off by the administrator, the selected renditions are directly downloaded in a zip folder without using IBM® Aspera Connect.
If the Asset Download setting is enabled in the Download Settings, the asset renditions are downloaded in a separate folder for each asset within the zip folder.
If the assets are downloaded from a shared link, the asset renditions are downloaded in a separate folder for each asset within the zip folder.
When you select a folder, collection, or more than 20 assets for download, the Download dialog box is bypassed. Instead, all accessible asset renditions, except for the dynamic renditions, are downloaded in a zip folder.
Brand Portal supports configuring Dynamic Media in both - Hybrid and Scene7 mode.
(If Experience Manager Assets author instance is running in Dynamic Media Hybrid mode)
To preview or download dynamic renditions, enable dynamic media. Ensure the asset’s Pyramid tiff rendition exists at the Experience Manager Assets author instance where the assets were published. When an asset is published from Experience Manager Assets to Brand Portal, its Pyramid tiff rendition is also published.

If the administrator has not authorized you to access the original renditions, you cannot download the original renditions of the selected assets.


Download assets from asset details page download-assets-from-asset-details-page

In addition to the download workflow, there is another method of downloading the renditions for individual assets directly from the asset details page.

The users can preview different asset renditions, select specific renditions, and directly download asset renditions from the Renditions panel in the asset details page without having to open the Download dialog.

Following are the steps to download asset renditions from the asset details page:

  1. Log in to your Brand Portal tenant and click the asset to open the asset details page.

  2. Click the overlay icon on the left, and then click Renditions.


  3. The Renditions panel lists all the accessible asset renditions based on the asset download configurations.

    Select specific renditions that you want to download and click Download items.


  4. By default the Fast Download setting is enabled in the Download Settings. Therefore, a confirmation box appears to allow accelerated download using IBM® Aspera Connect.

    To continue using Fast Download, click Allow. All the selected renditions are downloaded in a zip folder using IBM® Aspera Connect.

    If you deny using Fast Download, the system populates an Error message. Click the Normal Download button to continue downloading the assets.

If the Fast Download setting is turned-off by the administrator, the selected renditions are directly downloaded in a zip folder without using IBM® Aspera Connect.
Assets that are individually downloaded are visible in the assets download report. However, if a folder containing assets is downloaded, the folder and assets are not displayed in the assets download report.

Expected download performance expected-download-performance

File download experience may vary for users at different client locations, depending on factors such as local Internet connectivity and server latency. The expected download performance for 2-GB file observed at different client locations is as follows, with Brand Portal server at Oregon in the United States:

Client location
Latency between client and server
Expected download speed
Time taken to download a 2-GB file
US West (N. California)
18 milliseconds
7.68 MB/s
4 minutes
US West (Oregon)
42 milliseconds
3.84 MB/s
9 minutes
US East (N. Virginia)
85 milliseconds
1.61 MB/s
21 minutes
APAC (Tokyo)
124 milliseconds
1.13 MB/s
30 minutes
275 milliseconds
0.5 MB/s
68 minutes
175 milliseconds
0.49 MB/s
69 minutes
179 milliseconds
0.32 MB/s
106 minutes
196 milliseconds
0.5 MB/s
68 minutes
Cited data are observed under test conditions, which may vary for users at different locations witnessing varied latency and bandwidth.