Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 Latest Service Pack Release Notes aem-service-pack-release-notes

Release information release-information

Adobe Experience Manager 6.5
Service Pack release
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Download URL
Software Distribution

What is included in Experience Manager what-is-included-in-aem-6516

Experience Manager includes new features, key customer-requested enhancements, bug fixes, and performance, stability, and security improvements that are released since the initial availability of 6.5 in April 2019. Install this service pack on Experience Manager 6.5.

A key improvement in Dynamic Media is the following:

New protocol DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) supports launched for adaptive bitrate streaming in Dynamic Media video delivery (with CMAF [Common Media Application Format] enabled).

  • Adaptive streaming (DASH/HLS) ensures better end user viewing experience for videos.
  • DASH is the international standard protocol for adaptive video streaming and is widely adopted in the industry.
  • Available now in Asia-Pacific and North America (to be enabled by way of a support ticket); coming soon in Europe-Middle East-Africa.

See Enable DASH on your account.

Assets assets-6516

  • Connected Assets: When you enable the Smart Crop options for images on remote DAM, upload images to a folder, and sync the folder to local sites, the folder does not open on the local Sites deployment. (NPR-39912)
  • While sorting a collection by name, the list view is not working appropriately (ASSETS-19401)
  • When a large media file (JPEG) is uploaded to Collections, Experience Manager stops responding. (ASSETS-19387)
  • In the content tree pane, the displayed asset name is incorrect as the location of the asset is not rendered appropriately. (ASSETS-18870)
  • While sharing a Collection using a link, the data in the URL mismatches between the shuffle of card view and list view. (ASSETS-18758)
  • When you perform an omnisearch by using a filter on the folder type, the search results are inconsistent. (ASSETS-18227)
  • The dam:size property is not updated after XMP writeback, which results in incorrect information being returned from the /platform/path/to/asset.jpg;resource=metadata API. (ASSETS-17631)
  • Unclosed resource resolver on all Experience Manager instances. (ASSETS-16904)
  • Unable to create a version for an asset even if you are assigned the create and modify permissions. (ASSETS-15956)
  • The move button is disabled randomly while moving an asset from one point to another. (ASSETS-14889)
  • Screen readers are unable to identify headings, as the text is not defined inside heading tags but as the general text. (ASSETS-6924)
  • The alternative text under the image is not mandatory but the text displayed under the image is repetitive with a Type attribute. (ASSETS-6915)

Assets - Dynamic Media dm-6516

  • Form element does not contain label. With screen readers such as NVDA and JAWS, Form label information is not announcing properly. (CQ-4344078)

  • Drop-downs are not getting closed when the Escape key is used on a keyboard. (CQ-4344077)

  • The Information icon (the letter “i”) that appears for the inline error suggestion after an invalid input is given, is not accessible using a keyboard. (CQ-4344076)

  • getManifestURI returns null due to a JCR property being read as toString instead of getString. (ASSETS-18674)

  • SmartCrop video component is not behaving correctly. The component is carrying-out playback instead of streaming, and VTT calls are failing, giving a 404 error. (ASSETS-18468)

  • Selecting Properties on an asset’s Viewer page causes a null pointer exception. (ASSETS-18420)

  • Experience Manager user interface changes for DASH streaming that includes the following:

    • having a visible CMAF field in the Video Profile editor.
    • having the video upload process send a CMAF flag.
    • the options auto, hls, and dash are now available in the playback drop-down list in the Viewer Preset editor’s Behavior tab.
  • In Navigation, when you select Assets > Files > Create > Carousel Set, the picture icon is overlapped with “Slide 1” text string. (ASSETS-18578)

  • Unpublished assets are published again. (ASSETS-16428)

  • Experience Manager Author goes down due to a load issue, prompting the creation of a synthetic alert. (ASSETS-15937)

  • In the Dynamic Media General Settings page, an untranslated error message Failed to fetch data appears. (ASSETS-15617)

Forms forms-6516

Forms Key Features forms-features-6516

  • Headless Adaptive Forms enable your developers to create, publish, and manage interactive forms that can be accessed and interacted with through APIs, rather than through a traditional graphical user interface.

  • Adaptive Forms Core Components are a set of 24 open-source, BEM-compliant components that are built on the foundation of the Adobe Experience Manager WCM Core Components. These components are open-source and provide developers the ability to easily customize and extend these components to match the specific needs of their organization. Anyone with existing skills to customize WCM Core components can easily customize and style these components.

  • The Reader Extension service on OSGi now provides separate options to enable import and export usage rights on a PDF to import or export data in Adobe Acrobat Reader. (NPR-39909)

Forms Fixes forms-fixes-6516

  • When using an Assign task step to send a notification for an assigned task, two emails are sent instead of one to the assigned individual. (NPR-40078)

  • When a user hides the table headers, it causes the previously set column width to be unset, and all columns retain the same width. (NPR-40063)

  • In case you change the default password of the admin user from admin, while performing the Prepare Adobe Experience Manager Server For DSC deployment check on the AEM Forms JEE service pack it fails. (NPR-40062) and (NPR-39387)

  • The OutputService and AssemblerService APIs, fail to convert PDF Form to PDF/A. (NPR-39990)

  • The AssemblerService not able to convert PDF to PDF/A. When a user converts PDF to PDF/A, the following error occurs: PDFAConformance isCompliant="false" compliance="PDF/A-1b" resultLevel="Summary" ignoreUnusedResources="true" allowCertificationSignatures="true"> <Violation count="6" key="PDFA_CS_001_NOT_DEVICE_INDEPENDENT" description="ColorSpace is not device independent. (NPR-39956)

  • When server-side validation fails for a GuideSubmitServlet API call, the errors are not returned in the response sent to the client. (NPR-39925)

  • After upgrading to AEM Service Pack on Windows server, the user encounters multiple error messages, and the email service is not working. (NPR-39919)

  • When you upgrade to AEM and use importData service to merge PDFs with XML, the following error occurs: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.adobe.xfa.form.FormModel.isXFABarcode(Lcom/adobe/xfa/Node;)Ljava/lang/Boolean. (NPR-39807)

  • When user installs Document Security Office extension, following issues occur:

    • Microsoft® Excel crashes frequently.
    • While opening a secured document, the Document security office extension is not detected as installed on a machine. Instructs the user to download and install the security extension. (NPR-39768)
  • After a user upgrades to AEM Service Pack, the PostScript-to-Pdf conversion is not working. (NPR-39765) and (NPR-39764)

  • When user tries to open the tour screen after opening an Adaptive Form, it fails with a NullPointer exception:[[1662032923933]GET/libs/fd/af/content/editors/form/tour/content.htmlHTTP/1.1]" (NPR-39654)

  • In Windows, when user enables high contrast black settings, the HTML5 Forms content become unclear when rendered as an HTML preview in the browser. (NPR-39018)

  • When the user attempts to add metadata, the Save button becomes non-functional for both the Draft and Submission components. (CQ-4349601)

  • After upgrading to AEM Service Pack, the redirection of relative URLs no longer works in the Visual Editor. (NPR-39947)

  • When a user upgrades to AEM Service Pack, the redirection stops working with Internet Explorer. (CQ-4351745)

  • After a user upgrades to AEM Service Pack, HTML heading tag is not recognized. HTML code for the heading tag is displayed as text in the HTML form. (NPR-39915)

  • When the user tries to submit an Adaptive Form, a typecast error occurs: ERROR [ [1668589530607] POST /app/LS4/content/forms/af/revalidate/jcr:content/ HTTP/1.1]( NPR-39809)

  • When a user previews a Document of Record using the Send Email submit action, it is not displayed correctly. The mail template embeds in the preview of the Document of Record. (CQ-4352155)

  • When a user previews an Adaptive Form as an HTML on Microsoft® Edge browser with IE compatibility mode, it is not displayed correctly. (CQ-4352216)

  • The dictionary must include new locales with special characters, such as underscores or hyphens, to enable translation. (NPR-40088)

After installing the AEM Forms add-on service pack, customers were facing the below listed issues. So, an updated version of AEM Forms add-on service pack - 6.0.914 is released. Adobe recommends using the updated service pack:

  • When a user tries to create Adaptive form with a user in the forms-users group, the option to select any template is not present and the error similar to the following occurs:
    internal server error: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.adobe.aem.formsndocuments.servlet.ThemeClientLibraryDataSourceServlet.lambda$getThemeClientLibCategoryList$3(
    at java.base/$2$1.accept(
    at java.base/java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining( (FORMS-7629)
  • The changes made in the code editor rules are not getting saved. (FORMS-7532)

Integrations integrations-6516

Sites sites-6516

  • Current cq-wcm-core artifactory release does not have the POM. (SITES-10983)
  • The rollout preview action should not list the page to be created. (SITES-10355, CQ-4266213)
  • Rollout after MSM detach recreates the detached page. (SITES-9841)
  • Creating a launch is timing out; user must wait many minutes on a loading screen before the request times out. (SITES-9051)
  • The Rollout Page user interface is displaying non-existent parent page paths. You can roll out the page with a success message, but the child page is not rolled out due to the parent page never getting rolled out in the first place. (SITES-8621)

Sites - Core Components sites-core-components-6516

  • Centralize the link processing on e-mail pages so that model customizations are not needed anymore. (SITES-9002)

Sites - Admin User Interface sites-adminui-6516

  • CSV Export is not exporting all the pages under the selected page. (SITES-9390)

Sites - Content Fragments sites-contentfragments-6516

  • Unable to print a content fragment’s JSON. The reason is because the GraphQL query cannot be generated when you open the content fragment’s Preview page. (SITES-8619)
  • When reopening the Content Fragment Model Editor, all Date and Time fields are defaulting to Date & Time type. (SITES-8401)

Sites - Experience Fragments sites-experiencefragments-6516

  • You are unable to move an Experience Fragment to another folder even if the template is listed under allowed templates. (SITES-8601)
  • (SITES-7989)

Sites - Page Editor sites-pageeditor-6516

  • Update dependencies for the resource resolver improvement made in SITES-8464 in which page rendering in Authoring mode created a high number of TemplatedResourceImpl objects. (SITES-9350)

Sling sling-6516

  • Experience Manager is deadlocked on startup. (NPR-39832)
  • When many vanity paths are present in Experience Manager’s version storage, Experience Manager fails to start. (NPR-38955)

Translation projects translation-6516

  • In MicrosoftTranslationServiceImpl, the query string parameter Category is incorrect. (NPR-39828)
  • Creating a translation project displays the error Master page resource does not exist; the translation project is not created. (NPR-39762)
  • Unable to set a due date on a translation project that uses a human translation connector. (NPR-39593)

User interface ui-6516

  • When changing to a smaller resolution, the DatePicker does not display, and the AM/PM select does not display or change visibly. (NPR-39948)
  • When minify js (minimization of JavaScript) is used, it does not process the minification due to a parsing error. (NPR-39650)
  • Tag field (/libs/cq/gui/components/coral/common/form/tagfield) conflicts with timeline. (CQ-4350751)

WCM wcm-6516

  • The rollout preview action should not list the page to be created. (CQ-4266213, SITES-10355)

Workflow workflow-6516

  • Manually deleting the editable workflow model from /conf leaves a lingering runtime model instance without an editable model. (CQ-4349365)

Install Experience Manager install

  • Experience Manager requires Experience Manager 6.5. See upgrade documentation for detailed instructions.
  • The service pack download is available on Adobe Software Distribution.
  • On a deployment with MongoDB and multiple instances, install Experience Manager on one of the Author instances using the Package Manager.
Adobe does not recommend that you remove or uninstall the Experience Manager package. As such, before you install the pack, you should create a backup of the crx-repository in case you have to roll it back.

Install the service pack on Experience Manager 6.5 install-service-pack

  1. Restart the instance before installation if the instance is in update mode (when the instance was updated from an earlier version). Adobe recommends a restart if the current uptime for an instance is high.

  2. Before installing, take a snapshot or a fresh backup of your Experience Manager instance.

  3. Download the service pack from Software Distribution.

  4. Open Package Manager, then select Upload Package to upload the package. To know more, see Package Manager.

  5. Select the package, then select Install.

  6. To update the S3 connector, stop the instance after installation of the Service Pack, replace the existing connector with a new binary file provided in the install folder, and restart the instance. See Amazon S3 Data Store.

Dialog on Package Manager UI sometimes exits during the installation of the service pack. Adobe recommends that you wait for error logs to stabilize before accessing the deployment. Wait for the specific logs related to the uninstall of the updater bundle before being assured that the installations is successful. Typically, this issue occurs in Safari browser but can intermittently occur on any browser.

Automatic installation

There are two different methods that you can use to automatically install Experience Manager

  • Place the package into ../crx-quickstart/install folder when the server is available online. The package is automatically installed.
  • Use the HTTP API from Package Manager. Use cmd=install&recursive=true so that the nested packages are installed.
Experience Manager does not support Bootstrap installation.

Validate the installation

To know the platforms that are certified to work with this release, see the technical requirements.

  1. The product information page (/system/console/productinfo) displays the updated version string Adobe Experience Manager ( under Installed Products.

  2. All OSGi bundles are either ACTIVE or FRAGMENT in the OSGi Console (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).

  3. The OSGi bundle org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-core is version 1.22.14 or later (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).

Install Service Pack for Experience Manager Forms install-aem-forms-add-on-package

For instructions to install the service pack on AEM Forms, see AEM Forms Service Pack installation instructions.

Install GraphQL Index Package for Experience Manager Content Fragments install-aem-graphql-index-add-on-package

Customers using GraphQL should install the AEM Content Fragment with GraphQL Index Package 1.0.5.

Doing so lets you add the required index definition based on the features they actually use.

Failure to install this package may result in slow or failed GraphQL queries.

Only install this package once per instance; it does not need to be reinstalled with every Service Pack.

UberJar uber-jar

The UberJar for Experience Manager is available in the Maven Central repository.

In Experience Manager, the UberJar version ( remains the same as the previous release.

To use UberJar in a Maven project, see how to use UberJar and include the following dependency in your project POM:

UberJar and the other related artifacts are available on Maven Central Repository instead of Adobe Public Maven repository ( The main UberJar file is renamed to uber-jar-<version>.jar. So, there is no classifier, with apis as the value, for the dependency tag.

Deprecated and removed features removed-deprecated-features

See Deprecated and removed features.

Known issues known-issues

  • Update your GraphQL queries that may have used a custom API name for your content model to using the default name of the content model instead.

  • A GraphQL query may use the damAssetLucene index instead of the fragments index. This action might result in GraphQL queries that fail, or take a long time to run.

    To correct the problem, damAssetLucene has to be configured to include the following two properties under /indexRules/dam:Asset/properties:

    • contentFragment

      • jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"
      • name="jcr:content/contentFragment"
      • propertyIndex="{Boolean}true"
      • type="Boolean"
    • model

      • jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"
      • name="jcr:content/data/cq:model"
      • ordered="{Boolean}true"
      • propertyIndex="{Boolean}true"
      • type="String"

    After the index definition is changed, a reindexing is required (reindex = true).

    After these steps, the GraphQL queries should perform faster.

  • When trying to move/delete/publish either Content Fragments or Sites/Pages, there is an issue when Content Fragment references are fetched, as the background query fails. That is, the functionality does not work.
    To ensure correct operation, you must add the following properties to the index definition node /oak:index/damAssetLucene (no reindexing is required):

    code language-xml
    "tags": [
    "refresh": true
  • As Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 does not support MySQL 5.7 and JBoss® EAP 7.1, Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 does not support turnkey installations for AEM Forms

  • If you upgrade your Experience Manager instance from 6.5.0 - 6.5.4 to the latest service pack on Java™ 11, you see RRD4JReporter exceptions in the error.log file. To stop the exceptions, restart your instance of Experience Manager.

  • Users can rename a folder in a hierarchy in Assets and publish a nested folder to Brand Portal. However, the title of the folder is not updated in Brand Portal until the root folder is republished.

  • When a user selects to configure a field for the first time in an adaptive form, the option to save a configuration does not display in Properties Browser. Selecting to configure some other field of the adaptive form in the same editor resolves the issue.

  • The following errors and warning messages may display during installation of Experience Manager 6.5.x.x:

    • "When the Adobe Target integration is configured in Experience Manager using the Target Standard API (IMS authentication), then exporting Experience Fragments to Target results in wrong offer types getting created. Instead of type “Experience Fragment”/source “Adobe Experience Manager,” Target creates several offers with type “HTML”/source “Adobe Target Classic.”
    • com.adobe.granite.maintenance.impl.TaskScheduler: No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.
    • Adaptive Form server-side validation fails when aggregate functions such as SUM, MAX, and MIN are used (CQ-4274424).
    • com.adobe.granite.maintenance.impl.TaskScheduler - No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.
    • Hotspot in a Dynamic Media interactive image is not visible when previewing the asset through Shoppable Banner viewer.
    • bundle (395)[] : Timeout waiting for register change to complete unregistered.
  • In AEM Forms, POP3 protocol does not work with email endpoints for Microsoft® Office 365.

  • On JBoss® 7.1.4 platform, when a user installs AEM service pack, adobe-livecycle-jboss.ear deployment fails.

  • Starting with AEM 6.5.15, the Rhino JavaScript Engine provided by the org.apache.servicemix.bundles.rhino bundle has a new hoisting behavior. Scripts that use the strict mode (use strict;) have to correctly declare their variables, otherwise they will not get executed, instead throwing a runtime error.

Known issues for AEM Forms

  • (AEM Forms on JEE Only) The PDF Generator service fails to enumerate the fonts available on the server. Consequently, the font selection panel on the Adobe PDF Settings page in the PDFG Admin UI remains empty, effectively preventing (un)embedding of chosen fonts. (FORMS-12095)
  • In the Print Preview of the Interactive Communications Agent UI, the currency symbol (such as the dollar sign $) is inconsistently displayed for all field values. It appears for values up to 999 but is missing for values of 1000 and above. (FORMS-16557)
  • Any modifications to nested layout fragments’ XDP in an Interactive Communication are not reflected in the IC editor. (FORMS-16575)
  • In the Print Preview of the Interactive Communications Agent UI, some calculated values are not displayed correctly. (FORMS-16603)
  • When the letter is viewed in Print Preview, the content changes. Some spaces disappear, and certain letters are replaced with ‘x’. (FORMS-15681)

OSGi bundles and content packages included osgi-bundles-and-content-packages-included

The following text documents list the OSGi bundles and Content Packages included in Experience Manager

Restricted websites restricted-sites

These websites are only available to customers. If you are a customer and need access, contact your Adobe account manager.
