Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 Latest Service Pack Release Notes aem-service-pack-release-notes

Release information release-information

Adobe Experience Manager 6.5
Service Pack release
November 24, 2022
Download URL
Software Distribution

What is included in Experience Manager what-is-included-in-aem-6515

Experience Manager includes new features, key customer-requested enhancements, bug fixes, and performance, stability, and security improvements that are released since the initial availability of 6.5 in April 2019. Install this service pack on Experience Manager 6.5.

Assets assets-6515

  • If the movement of an Asset in Experience Manager fails, the Asset can still be renamed. (NPR-38753)
  • While viewing the Assets in a List View, some of the titles are missing. (CQ-4345746)
  • Screen reader does not announce the sub menu of the Relate button on the Basic tab on Asset properties page. (ASSETS-6938)
  • Screen reader incorrectly detects the folder icons on the Assets navigation page with the list of folders. (ASSETS-6936)
  • While copying a Collection, the image is missing an empty alt attribute or role=“presentation”. As a result, the image is exposed to the screen reader users. (ASSETS-6932)
  • The text displayed while annotating an asset does not have a 4:5:1 contrast ratio in comparison to the background color. (ASSETS-6931)
  • On the IPTC tab of the Asset properties page, when you adjust page width, the page content does not fit properly and results in horizontal scrolling. (ASSETS-6929)
  • When you filter assets, the filter text in the min and max fields disappears after a value is entered. (ASSETS-6925)
  • In Experience Manager Collections, the screen reader does not announce the email field on the Download screen. (ASSETS-6923)
  • An alternative text is missing while annotating the elements. (ASSETS-6922)
  • If the text is written in Hours and Minutes in date picker field, no text error message is displayed. The error is only identified using the Red color. (ASSETS-6852, ASSETS-6921, ASSETS-6920, ASSETS-6907)
  • The alternative text in [role='img'] in the Files filter is missing. (ASSETS-6919)
  • Incorrect screen reader announcement for the Create submenu. (ASSETS-6916)
  • In Experience Manager Collections, the remove button X does not have any text to announce for the screen readers. (ASSETS-6912)
  • While using Color Contrast Analyzer in Experience Manager, there is no color differentiation between the current date and the chosen date in date picker of the calendar widget. It lacks at least 3:1 contrast ratio in odds to its adjacent colors. (ASSETS-6911)
  • In Experience Manager Files, while selecting one of the options from Scheduling radio button in Manage Publication, the radio button options name and state are announced by the screen reader. However, the Scheduling label is not announced. (ASSETS-6908, ASSETS-6906)
  • The alternative text is missing for the Sort icon. (ASSETS-6904)
  • On Asset properties page, the field name Person in IPTC Extension tab labels are not announced by the screen readers. The screen reader only announces editable and currently blank field, but not the label name. (ASSETS-6903, ASSETS-6848)
  • The annotation tool cannot be displayed using keyboard. A mouse is used to draw an image to display the Annotation tool. (ASSETS-6899)
  • In Experience Manager Collections, an empty field on the Advanced tab displays incorrect contrast ratio between the boundary and either adjacent color. (ASSETS-6895)
  • Incorrect ARIA attribute values for some of the elements while editing assets. (ASSETS-6894)
  • The screen reader does not correctly identify the heading while creating a workflow. (ASSETS-6892)
  • While copying a Collection, the SVG image remove button X with role=“img” is missing a role=“presentation”. As a result, the image is exposed to the screen reader users. (ASSETS-6890)
  • In the Basic tab of Asset properties, the screen reader does not appropriately announce the expand or collapse state of the Tags field. (ASSETS-6889)
  • The Basic tab under Asset properties contains pages with duplicate ID. (ASSETS-6888)
  • The label of the text field to define a title while creating a workflow disappears when you specify a value in the text box. (ASSETS-6887)
  • The list of recipients while sharing a link displays as a data table with headings, but it is not semantically identified as a data table to the screen reader users. (ASSETS-6886)
  • No error message to represent an empty field is displayed in Add Email Address field. The error is only represented using a color. (ASSETS-6885, ASSETS-6843)
  • Placeholder texts, Path, and Alt Text do not have at least a 4.5:1 contrast ratio in comparison to their background color. (ASSETS-6884, ASSETS-6865)
  • Invalid values for some of the ARIA attributes while saving a Smart Collection. (ASSETS-6882)
  • When you save a Smart Collection, some of the labels are not appropriately associated with the screen reader. (ASSETS-6881)
  • In IPTC tab of Asset properties, the screen reader does not announce the label for the keyword form fields. (ASSETS-6879)
  • In Experience Manager Collections, the Email field is not identified as a mandatory field and no error message is displayed if you do not specify a value. (ASSETS-6877)
  • In Experience Manager Files, no error message in Link Sharing screen is displayed in Add Email Address. The error is only identified in using a color. (ASSETS-6876, ASSETS-6875)
  • Crop and Map options do not have the programmatic names while editing an asset. (ASSETS-6874)
  • The Filter text lacks 4.5:1 contract ratio in comparison to the background color. (ASSETS-6873)
  • The text for the folder name on the main navigation page does not have a 4.5:1 contrast ratio in comparison to the background color. (ASSETS-6872)
  • While performing the Copy operation for Collections, the Add User combo box form control is not correctly associated with its visible label. (ASSETS-6870)
  • Screen reader does not announce the Create button sub-menu options. (ASSETS-6869)
  • The Scope, Workflows, and Timezone options do not have a 4.5:1 contrast ratio in comparison to the background color. (ASSETS-6868)
  • The screen reader incorrectly announces the collapse state of the Timeline column. (ASSETS-6864)
  • Missing child elements for some of the ARIA roles while saving a Smart Collection. (ASSETS-6862)
  • While sharing an asset, required ARIA attributes for Search/Add Email Address field are not specified. (ASSETS-6860)
  • The map dialog box cannot be displayed using keyboard. Instead, a mouse click is required to display the map dialog box. (ASSETS-6859)
  • Missing child elements for some of the ARIA roles on the Basic tab of the Asset properties page. (ASSETS-6858)
  • The empty text input fields, available in the IPTC tab of Asset properties, do not have a 3:1 contrast ratio in comparison to its adjacent colors. (ASSETS-6854, ASSETS-6847)
  • The profile icons in the Timeline section are incorrectly detected by the screen readers. (ASSETS-6850)
  • Screen reader does not announce that the Review Status combo box, available in the Basic tab of Asset properties, is a read-only field. (ASSETS-6849)
  • Screen reader does not announce the label of the Select All and Annotation checkboxes appropriately. (ASSETS-6846)
  • The keyboard focus skips the About Adobe Experience Manager option available in the Show Help menu. (ASSETS-6845)
  • Screen readers do not correctly announce the selected folders while navigating through the list of folders using keyboard arrow keys in Card view. (ASSETS-6844)
  • While uploading a PDF to the Experience Manager, the memory usage is constantly increasing. (ASSETS-16889)
  • When a workflow converts a .ZIP file to a folder name in Assets, it does not retain the casing of the .ZIP file name. (ASSETS-16712)
  • While switching from Brand Portal to Experience Manager 6.5, the user predicate filter does not display appropriate results when you apply the filter for the first time. (ASSETS-15932)
  • Unable to annotate a video. (ASSETS-15217)
  • Manage Publication option disappears for a user with no replicate access and READ and WRITE access to ETC and VAR. (ASSETS-15007)
  • The load time for the properties page increases for an asset with multiple references. (ASSETS-14182)
  • When an image is unpublished from Brand Portal, Experience Manager also unpublishes it from Dynamic Media and as a result there is no image displayed on the live website. (ASSETS-14118)
  • XSS issues on Smart Crop cards in Dynamic Media. (ASSETS-14212, ASSETS-14208, ASSETS-13704)
  • XSS issue in Viewer Presets in Dynamic Media. (ASSETS-13822)
  • Validate user access while previewing DM assets on AEM. (CQ-4314757)

Commerce commerce-6515

  • The creation of a store page failed, stopping the overall catalog rollout process. (CQ-4347181)

Forms forms-6515

Key Features keyfeatures

Fixes fixes

  • When the data-disabled property of an Adaptive Form is toggled, the appearance of radio button and checkbox groups does not change. (NPR-39368)

  • When an Adaptive Form is translated, some of the translations are missed and not shown correctly. (NPR-39367)

  • When the property of a page is set to hidden, the page is not removed from the formset. (NPR-39325)

  • In a Document of Record, the dynamic footnote section at the end of the page is not present. (NPR-39322)

  • When a Document of Record is generated for an Adaptive Form, only the vertical alignment is allowed for radio buttons and checkboxes. The user cannot set the horizontal alignment for radio buttons and checkboxes. (NPR-39321)

  • After deploying Correspondence Management, if multiple users try to access a form, becomes bottleneck and a majority of the threads gets struck. Various forms page requests often took more than 1 minute to load each even when the server has a very low load. (NPR-39176, CQ-4347710)

  • In an Adaptive Form, when you use a Rich Text field in a lazy loaded Adaptive Form fragment, some of the following errors are experienced:

    • You cannot edit the content or append anything to the Rich Text field.
    • The display pattern applied to the rich text is not honored.
    • The error message for minimum field length is not displayed on submitting the form.
    • The content of this rich-text field is included several times in the produced submit-XML. (NPR-39168)
  • When the Date picker option is used in an Adaptive Form, it fails to convert the value into the correct format. (NPR-39156)

  • While previewing an Adaptive Form as an HTML form, it is not rendered properly, as some of the sub forms overlap with the parent form. (NPR-39046)

  • If the panel has hidden table and adaptive form is rendered using tabular view, fields on the first tab are not displayed correctly. (NPR-39025)

  • The Body tag is missing for the out-of-the-box template. (NPR–39022)

  • The Document of Record is not generated in the language of the Adaptive Form. It is always generated in English language. (NPR-39020)

  • When an Adaptive Form has multiple panels and some of the panels use the out-of-the-box File Attachment component, the Error occurred while draft saving error occurs . (NPR-38978)

  • When = sign is used in the check box, drop-down list, or radio button fields of an Adaptive Form and the Document of Record is generated, then = sign is not visible in the generated Document of Record.(NPR-38859)

  • There is multifold increase in the number of the Notice Batch Processing errors after service pack upgrade. (NPR-39636)

  • When you do not provide test data, Correspondence Management letters fail to load in the Agent UI. (CQ-4348702)

  • When user applies the AEM Forms Service Pack 14 (SP14) form AEM Forms deployed using IBM® WebSphere®, the bootstrapping fails while initializing a database and the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org/apache/log4j/Logger error occurs.(NPR-39414)

  • On an AEM Form on OSGi server, when you use Document Service API to certify PDF, it fails with error: com.adobe.fd.signatures.truststore.errors.exception.CredentialRetrievalException: AEM-DSS-311-003. (NPR-38855)

  • When user tries to use the wrapper service for rendering letters with AEM 6.3 Forms, the java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException error occurs. (CQ-4347259)

  • When an XDP is rendered as HTML5 form, the content of the master page is rendered first regardless of the placement of the objects in an Adaptive Form. (CQ-4345218)

  • The configuration of the application at the destination server changes to the settings defined at the source server even though the Overwrite configuration when import is complete option is not checked at the time of importing the application. (NPR-39044)

  • When a user tries to update connector configuration using Configuration Manager, it fails.(CQ-4347077)

  • When user tries to run an AEM Form on JEE patch after changing the default password of the administrator user, an exception com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.core.LCMException[ALC-LCM-200-003]: Failed to whitelist the classes occurs. (CQ-4348277)

  • In AEM Designer, form fields without captions are placed in table cells including checkboxes.(LC-3920410)

  • When the user tries to open Help in the AEM Forms Designer, it is not displayed properly. (CQ-4341996)

  • Adaptive Forms with multiple locales are slow to load. (NPR-39176)

Sites sites-6515

  • Experience Manager Sites Launches console was coming up blank. (NPR-39188)
  • References were not adjusted when the page that had the reference also needed to be activated during the page move. (NPR-39061)
  • When a Layout container is unhidden using parent container, layout changes are not getting applied to all components inside the nested container. (NPR-39041)
  • Content now no longer overlaps with other content at 320-pixel width. (SITES-8885)
  • Added focus after closing a dialog box. (SITES-8885)

Accessibility access-6515

  • The Annotation button is missing its accessibility name. (SITES-2892)
  • The state of an ACTIVE user interface component (Cut, Copy, Paste, Insert Components, Group, and so on) does not have at least a three to one luminosity contrast ratio with either the inner or outer adjacent background. (SITES-8889, SITES-8756, SITES-8885)
  • Status message not automatically announced. (SITES-8889, SITES-8756, SITES-8885)
  • Text content lacks 4.5:1 contrast ratio. (SITES-8756, SITES-8885)
  • Link or button text lacks 4.5:1 contrast ratio on hover or focus. (SITES-8756, SITES-8885)

Content Fragments sites-contentfragments-6515

  • GraphQL raises an exception. For example, you cannot get variation tags from a content fragment. There is no variation with the name ‘electric’. This issue is due to calling getVariationTags for a non-existing variation which raises an exception. (SITES-8898)
  • Sorting title orders in List view, both ascending and descending, how the titles with the order A, C, B. (SITES-7585)
  • Added tagging support for content fragment variations. (SITES-8168)
  • Identified and removed Odin-specific code from Experience Manager 6.5 that was unnecessary. (SITES-3574)
  • When publishing a language copy fragment from the Content Fragment Editor user interface, the associated references were getting published under the English folder. (NPR-39182)
  • Date fields are getting pre-populated with a date. (NPR-39124)
  • Tags disappeared the second time that you select the radio button option. (NPR-39071)

Fluid XP sites-fluidxp-6515

  • Enable ES6 compilation support for the client library /libs/cq/gui/components/siteadmin/admin/restoretree/clientlibs/restoretree.js. (NPR-39067)
  • The Multifield in a Content Fragment Model cannot be emptied and saved because validation occurs even if Required is not selected. (NPR-39063)
  • In either Copy or Livecopy tasks, the cq:targetMetadata information was incorrectly being duplicated. This functionality caused two or more Experience Fragments in Experience Manager to point to the same offer exported in target. (NPR-38970)
  • Following a Restore Tree action, the message Un-publication pending. #0 in the queue appears in the user interface for a page that was never published in the first place. (NPR-38847)

Page Editor sites-pageeditor-6515

  • Undo did not delete the last change made to text that was added into the component. Instead, when the page was refreshed, the entire component got deleted. (SITES-8597)
  • Upgrading jquery-ui to the latest version resulted in the Page Editor not working correctly. (NPR-38596)
  • Content now no longer overlaps with other content at 320-pixel width. (SITES-8756)
  • added focus after closing the Dialog (SITES-8756)

Sling sling-6515

  • Repoinit did not support the creation or management of groups with whitespace in the principal name because the group name was treated as a string, and it did not support being quoted. (SLING-10952)
  • Logs are inadvertently filled with error messages and exceptions. (NPR-39024)

Translation projects translation-6515

  • Destination page was getting added to the translation job for Updated Language Copies through the Projects panel; source page was not updated. (NPR-39278)
  • Translation process was failing while generating a preview for all the pages in a translation project. (NPR-39059)
  • If language locale does not exist, it is still getting created in a locale folder when reference rules are configured for an event. (NPR-39054)

User interface ui-6515

  • JavaScript errors occur inside the file multifield.js for certain fields in the Content Fragment model in the Content Fragment model editor and also in the Content Fragment editor. (NPR-39350)

Workflow workflow-6515

  • Workflow’s that ran successfully on Experience Manager 6.5.11 were not running consistently on 6.5.13 of Experience Manager. (NPR-39023)

Install Experience Manager install

  • Experience Manager requires Experience Manager 6.5. See upgrade documentation for detailed instructions.
  • The service pack download is available on Adobe Software Distribution.
  • On a deployment with MongoDB and multiple instances, install Experience Manager on one of the Author instances using the Package Manager.
Adobe does not recommend that you remove or uninstall the Experience Manager package. As such, before you install the pack, you should create a backup of the crx-repository in case you need to roll it back.

Install the service pack on Experience Manager 6.5 install-service-pack

  1. Restart the instance before installation if the instance is in update mode (when the instance was updated from an earlier version). Adobe recommends a restart if the current uptime for an instance is high.

  2. Before installing, take a snapshot or a fresh backup of your Experience Manager instance.

  3. Download the service pack from Software Distribution.

  4. Open Package Manager, then select Upload Package to upload the package. To know more, see Package Manager.

  5. Select the package, then select Install.

  6. To update the S3 connector, stop the instance after installation of the Service Pack, replace the existing connector with a new binary file provided in the install folder, and restart the instance. See Amazon S3 Data Store.

Dialog on Package Manager UI sometimes exits during the installation of the service pack. Adobe recommends that you wait for error logs to stabilize before accessing the deployment. Wait for the specific logs related to the uninstall of the updater bundle before being assured that the installations is successful. Typically, this issue occurs in Safari browser but can intermittently occur on any browser.

Automatic installation

There are two different methods that you can use to automatically install Experience Manager

  • Place the package into ../crx-quickstart/install folder when the server is available online. The package is automatically installed.
  • Use the HTTP API from Package Manager. Use cmd=install&recursive=true so that the nested packages are installed.
Experience Manager does not support Bootstrap installation.

Validate the installation

To know the platforms that are certified to work with this release, see the technical requirements.

  1. The product information page (/system/console/productinfo) displays the updated version string Adobe Experience Manager ( under Installed Products.

  2. All OSGi bundles are either ACTIVE or FRAGMENT in the OSGi Console (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).

  3. The OSGi bundle org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-core is version 1.22.13 or later (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).

Install Experience Manager Forms add-on package install-aem-forms-add-on-package

Skip if you are not using Experience Manager Forms.
  1. Ensure that you have installed the Experience Manager service pack.
  2. Download the corresponding Forms add-on package listed at AEM Forms releases for your operating system.
  3. Install the Forms add-on package as described in Installing AEM Forms add-on packages.
  4. If you use letters in Experience Manager 6.5 Forms, install the latest AEMFD Compatibility package.

Install Experience Manager Forms on JEE install-aem-forms-jee-installer

For instructions to install the service pack on AEM Forms, see AEM Forms Service Pack installation instructions.

UberJar uber-jar

The UberJar for Experience Manager is available in the Maven Central repository.

To use UberJar in a Maven project, see how to use UberJar and include the following dependency in your project POM:

UberJar and the other related artifacts are available on Maven Central Repository instead of Adobe Public Maven repository ( The main UberJar file is renamed to uber-jar-<version>.jar. So, there is no classifier, with apis as the value, for the dependency tag.

Deprecated and removed features removed-deprecated-features

See Deprecated and removed features.

Known issues known-issues

  • AEM Content Fragment with GraphQL Index Package 1.0.5
    This package is needed for customers using GraphQL; this enables them to add the required index definition based on the features they actually use.

  • Update your GraphQL queries that may have used a custom API name for your content model to using the default name of the content model instead.

  • When trying to move/delete/publish either Content Fragments or Sites/Pages, there is an issue when Content Fragment references are fetched, as the background query fails; that is, the functionality does not work.
    To ensure correct operation, you must add the following properties to the index definition node /oak:index/damAssetLucene (no reindexing is required):

    code language-xml
    "tags": [
    "refresh": true
  • As Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 does not support MySQL 5.7 and JBoss® EAP 7.1, Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 does not support turnkey installations for AEM Forms

  • If you upgrade your Experience Manager instance from 6.5.0 - 6.5.4 to the latest service pack on Java 11, you see RRD4JReporter exceptions in the error.log file. To stop the exceptions, restart your instance of Experience Manager.

  • Users can rename a folder in a hierarchy in Assets and publish a nested folder to Brand Portal. However, the title of the folder is not updated in Brand Portal until the root folder is republished.

  • When a user selects to configure a field for the first time in an adaptive form, the option to save a configuration does not display in Properties Browser. Selecting to configure some other field of the adaptive form in the same editor resolves the issue.

  • The deprecated /oak:index/lucene index can cause a FileNotFoundException which sends the indexing into an endless loop .The workaround is to add the system property oak.indexTracker.autoRefresh to 3153600000000, as follows, when starting AEM:

    • java -Doak.indexTracker.autoRefresh=3153600000000
  • The following errors and warning messages may display during installation of Experience Manager 6.5.x.x:

    • "When the Adobe Target integration is configured in Experience Manager using the Target Standard API (IMS authentication), then exporting Experience Fragments to Target results in wrong offer types getting created. Instead of type “Experience Fragment”/source “Adobe Experience Manager,” Target creates several offers with type “HTML”/source “Adobe Target Classic.”
    • com.adobe.granite.maintenance.impl.TaskScheduler: No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.
    • Adaptive Form server-side validation fails when aggregate functions such as SUM, MAX, and MIN are used (CQ-4274424).
    • com.adobe.granite.maintenance.impl.TaskScheduler - No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.
    • Hotspot in a Dynamic Media interactive image is not visible when previewing the asset through Shoppable Banner viewer.
    • bundle (395)[] : Timeout waiting for register change to complete unregistered.
  • AEM Forms JEE service pack is not installed properly on the JBoss Linux environment. Validate the proper installation of AEM Forms JEE service pack by checking the PatchInstallerProcessing[1-9*].log file for the log entry, [AEM_Forms_JEE_DIR]/patch/AEMForms-6.5.0-0057/xml/RUP_BOM.xml not found! Assuming this component is not in the installation. Skipping Processing. This entry indicates that the installation of AEM Forms JEE service pack is not successful. To fix the installation issue AEM Forms JEE service pack, manually add the RUP_BOM.xml file to the XML directory.

  • Installing the service pack resets the languages property of the /content/cq:tags node to default. Therefore, it is necessary to add it from the properties before installation.

  • Starting with AEM 6.5.15, the Rhino JavaScript Engine provided by the org.apache.servicemix.bundles.rhino bundle has a new hoisting behavior. Scripts that use the strict mode (use strict;) have to correctly declare their variables, otherwise they will not get executed, instead throwing a runtime error.

Known issues for AEM Forms

  • (AEM Forms on JEE Only) The PDF Generator service fails to enumerate the fonts available on the server. Consequently, the font selection panel on the Adobe PDF Settings page in the PDFG Admin UI remains empty, effectively preventing (un)embedding of chosen fonts. (FORMS-12095)

OSGi bundles and content packages included osgi-bundles-and-content-packages-included

The following text documents list the OSGi bundles and Content Packages included in Experience Manager

Restricted websites restricted-sites

These websites are only available to customers. If you are a customer and need access, contact your Adobe account manager.
