Actions for a Content Fragment

In the Assets console a range of actions are available for your content fragments, either:

  • From the toolbar; after selection of your fragment all appropriate actions are available.
  • As quick actions; a subset of actions available for the individual fragment cards.


Select the fragment to reveal the toolbar with applicable actions:

  • Download

    • Save the fragment as a ZIP file; you can define whether to include Elements, Variations, Metadata.
  • Create

  • Checkout

  • Properties

    • Allows you to view and/or edit the fragment’s metadata.
  • Edit

  • Manage Tags

  • To Collection

  • Copy/Paste

  • Move

  • Quick Publish

  • Manage Publication

  • Delete

Many of these are standard actions for Assets and/or the desktop app.

Opening the Fragment Editor

To open your fragment for editing:

To edit a content fragment you need the appropriate permissions. Please contact your system administrator if you are experiencing issues.
  1. Use the Assets console to navigate to the location of your content fragment.

  2. Open the fragment for editing, by either:

    • Clicking/tapping on the fragment or fragment link (this is dependent on the console view).
    • Selecting the fragment, then Edit from the toolbar.

    The fragment editor will open:


    1. A message will be shown when the fragment is already referenced on a content page.

    2. The side panel can be hidden/shown using the Toggle Side Panel icon.

  3. Navigate through the three modes using the icons in the side panel:


  4. After making changes, use Save or Cancel as required.

    Both Save and Cancel will exit the editor - see Save, Cancel and Versions for full information on how both options operate for content fragments.

Save, Cancel and Versions

The editor has two options:

  • Save

    Will save the latest changes and exit the editor.

    To edit a content fragment you need the appropriate permissions. Please contact your system administrator if you are experiencing issues.
    It is possible to remain in the editor, making a series of changes, before selecting Save.
    In addition to simply saving your changes, Save also updates any references and ensures that the dispatcher is flushed as required. These changes can take time to process. Due to this, there can be a performance impact on a large/complex/heavily-loaded system.
    Please bear this in mind when using Save and then quickly re-entering the fragment editor to make and save further changes.
  • Cancel

    Will exit the editor without saving the latest changes.

While editing your content fragment AEM automatically creates versions to ensure that prior content can be restored if you Cancel your changes:

  1. When a content fragment is opened for editing AEM checks for the existence of the cookie-based token that indicates whether an editing session exists:

    1. If the token is found, the fragment is considered to be part of the existing editing session.
    2. If the token is not available and the user starts editing content, a version is created and a token for this new editing session is sent to the client, where it is saved in a cookie.
  2. While there is an active editing session, the content being edited is automatically saved every 600 seconds (default).

    The auto save interval is configurable using the /conf mechanism.
    Default value, see:
  3. If the user selects to Cancel the edit, the version created at the start of the editing session is restored and the token is removed to end the editing session.

  4. If the user selects to Save the edits, the updated elements/variations are persisted and the token is removed to end the editing session.

Editing the Content of your Fragment

Once you have opened your fragment, you can use the Variations tab to author your content.

Creating and Managing Variations within your Fragment

Once you have created the Master content, you can create, and manage, Variations of that content.

Associating Content with your Fragment

You can also associate content with a fragment. This provides a connection so that assets (i.e. images) can be (optionally) used with the fragment when it is added to a content page.

Viewing and Editing the Metadata (Properties) of your Fragment

You can view, and edit, the properties of a fragment using the Metadata tab.

Timeline for Content Fragments

In addition to the standard options, Timeline provides both information and actions specific to content fragments:

  • View information about versions, comments, and annotations

  • Actions for Versions

    • Revert to this Version (select an existing fragment, then a specific version)
    • Compare to Current (select an existing fragment, then a specific version)
    • Add a Label and/or Comment (select an existing fragment, then a specific version)
    • Save as Version (select an existing fragment, then the up arrow at the bottom of Timeline)
  • Actions for Annotations

    • Delete
Comments are:
  • Standard functionality for all assets
  • Made in Timeline
  • Related to the fragment asset
Annotations (for Content Fragments) are:
  • Entered in the fragment editor
  • Specific to a selected segment of text within the fragment

For example:


Comparing Fragment Versions

The Compare to Current action is available from the Timeline after you have selected a specific version.

This will open:

  • the Current (latest) version (left)

  • the selected version v<x.y> (right)

They will be shown side-by-side, where:

  • Any differences are highlighted

    • Deleted text - red
    • Inserted text - green
    • Replaced text - blue
  • The full-screen icon allows you to open either version on its own; then toggle back to the parallel view

  • You can Revert to the specific version

  • Done will return you to the console

You cannot edit the fragment content when comparing fragments.


Reverting to a Version

You can revert to a specific version of your fragment:

Publishing and Referencing a Fragment

If your fragment is based on a model, then you should ensure that the model has been published.
If you publish a content fragment for which the model has not yet been published, a selection list will indicate this and the model will be published with the fragment.

Content Fragments must be published for use in the publish enviroment. They can be published:

After a fragment has been published and/or referenced, AEM will display a warning when an author opens the fragment for editing again. This is to warn that changes to the fragment will affect the referenced pages as well.

Deleting a Fragment

To delete a fragment:

  1. In the Assets console navigate to the location of the content fragment.

  2. Select the fragment.

    The Delete action is not available as a quick action.
  3. Select Delete from the toolbar.

  4. Confirm the Delete action.

    If the fragment is already referenced in a page you will then see a warning message and be required to confirm that you want to proceed with a Force Delete. The fragment, together with its content fragment component, will be deleted from any content pages.

Experience Manager