Sent targeted A/B test stuck at Sending (Reply)
This article explains a workaround to the Adobe Campaign Standard issue where a targeted A/B test is stuck at *Sending.*To resolve this, you need to set aggregation to none.
Adobe Campaign Standard
When sending subject-based A/B tests, the target size is flagged as a warning that it is too small (no documentation mentions minimum target sizes).
The winning variant was manually selected when the follow-up deliveries weren’t picking a winner. It was sent to the initial balance of recipients, but the two follow-up deliveries are now stuck at Sending (reply) and will not send (with 43% of our sends stuck).
How to send out the remaining emails in a controlled release?
If you set aggregation to none, the A/B test would not face the above issue.
- A recurring A/B Test delivery is fed to the population from a workflow.
- The learning population is set as 5% per variant, and there are two variants with a learning period of 45 minutes.
- The 57% population is the initial population on which the A/B test has run; after that winner has been pushed.
- The aggregation period of the delivery is 24 hours, which is why the population is still being added to the delivery even after completing the A/B test.
- The product has a limitation in that the subsequent population doesn’t get scheduled when the winner has been pushed.
This is reported as a low-priority bug in ticket CAMP-47125.