Sending email communication to emails not included in recipient’s schema but exist in external file

This article explains how to send email communication to contacts that are not included in the recipient’s schema but exist in an external file.

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic


You want to send email communications to contacts not included in the recipient schema but existing in an external CSV file without storing those records in the database.

This would require only an email Channel since the requirement is only for email communication.

Resolution resolution

  1. Create a new delivery.
  2. Add a subject and add content as per the business requirement.
  3. Click To and in the main target choose Defined in external File.
  4. Change Target mapping to external file from dropdown.
  5. Click the checkbox Do not import the recipients in DB as we don’t want to import the recipient in DB.
  6. Select File Format Definition >   Local file in csv format > click checkbox Upload file on server >   Update on server > Transfer > Ok > click Next.
  7. In this screen choose the email in the address field from dropdown and click  Finish.
  8. Save the delivery and send it.

It will be sent to all the emails mentioned in the external file.
