Campaign Standard - Unable to delete the Workflow after encountering error

Learn how to navigate issues when modifying or re-saving the workflow falls short.

Description description


Campaign Standard


  • Unable to delete a Workflow after encountering error.
  • Modifying and re-saving the Workflow does not resolve the issue
  • Attempting to delete the Workflow results in the following errors:

ST-360011 An error has occurred - please contact your administrator.

RST-360011 An error has occurred - please contact your administrator.

XTK-170017 The expression definition exceeds the number of authorized recursions.

XTK-170017 The expression definition exceeds the number of authorized recursions.

XTK-170037 'like' is a binary operator. At least one operand is missing.

XTK-170036 Unable to parse expression '(@id IN (23867212 , 23912681 , 22426751 , 22426754 , 22426762 , 22426761 , 23632222 , 23731904 , 23832292 , 23632221 , 24070631 , 24070634 , 23543381 , 23543384 , 23543391 , 22427122)) AND ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( like + ) AND ( like + )) AND (( like \+ ) AND ( like + ))) AND (([ workflow/geoUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%') AND ([ workflow/orgUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%'))) AND (([ workflow/geoUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%') AND ([ workflow/orgUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%'))) AND (([ workflow/geoUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%') AND ([ workflow/orgUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%'))) AND (([ workflow/geoUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%') AND ([ workflow/orgUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%'))) AND (([ workflow/geoUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%') AND ([ workflow/orgUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%'))) AND (([ workflow/geoUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%') AND ([ workflow/orgUnit/@fullName]  like '/all/' + '%'))))'.

Resolution resolution

Steps to Resolve

Purge Workflow history -


Failure to delete the workflow is due to the application attempting to write logs to the workflow. This process can get stuck and to fix the issue, the workflow logs need to be purged. This stops the backend job and allows the workflow to be deleted.
