What’s on the Home page

Explore the Home page so you can easily navigate around the app. Learn about Quick actions, templates, seasonal designs, brands, libraries, scheduler, tutorials, and more.

Let’s take a couple of minutes to explore the home page together so that you have confidence in navigating around the app. Adobe Express does an excellent job of guiding us as the creator towards new areas of creative exploration. For example, on the home page where given suggestions of quick actions, suggestions of templates based on our particular function within a company templates based on what type of media we’re creating, whether it’s fliers, posters, social media posts, even to the degree where we’re given suggestions for seasonal templates. It’s the new year now. So perhaps we want to wish our colleagues or our customers a happy New Year.
At the bottom of the homepage we have access to the generative AI capabilities within Express and on the very bottom, we have a nice timeline of our recent projects where we can jump in and pick up where we left off.
Navigating towards the top this big blue button. This will be the starting point for many of our creative projects.
In our Stuff tab, we’ve access to all our files, brands and libraries. In the Explore tab, we can get inspired by checking out popular templates, photos or videos. We have access to a scheduler and also access to quick tutorials and articles that can help you get the most out of Adobe Express. So that was quite quick. But we’ll be going into all of these areas in much more detail in the following modules.

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