As a Campaign Classic v7 user, what are the conditions to access Control Panel?

Control Panel is restricted to Admin users. Learn more.

For Campaign v7, note that your instance must be hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and upgraded to the latest Campaign stable build or to build 9032 or higher. Learn how to check your Campaign Classic v7 version in this section. To check if your Campaign Classic instance is hosted on AWS, follow the steps detailed in this section.

How can I access the Control Panel?

Please follow the detailed instructions in the Accessing the Control Panel documentation.

Is there an extra fee to use the Control Panel?

No, there is no extra cost if you are a current customer of Adobe Campaign.

Organization ID

What is an organization ID?

It is a unique ID that is given to your instance when you first log onto Adobe Experience Cloud. It should be in the format: xxx@AdobeOrg.

For more information, please refer to Adobe Experience Cloud documentation.

Where can I find my organization ID?

One way is to navigate to Adobe Experience Cloud Home > Administration. You will find your organization ID at the bottom of Administration Quick Access section. You can find more detailed information in the Adobe Experience Cloud documentation.

The other way is to launch Admin Console. Your organization ID will be visible in your URL, it should look something like:

Why do I need to know my organization ID?

In order for you to manage settings for your instance, we want to ensure that you’re getting the right information for the right instance in case you’re using multiple instances for your company.

What if I have multiple organization IDs?

Having one organization ID between Analytics and Campaign is a requirement if you plan to integrate the solutions to take advantage of complex use cases such as shopping cart abandonment (for Adobe Analytics + Adobe Campaign). You may have more than one organization ID if you have access to multiple Adobe solutions. In this case, the correct organization ID you should be using is the one you see under your Adobe Campaign instance.

How can I know that my Adobe Campaign instance is hosted on AWS or not?

To check if your instance is hosted on AWS, follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve your login URL. It is the URL that you use to login to your Campaign instance, it mostly ends with “” or"".

  2. Open the terminal, then execute a nslookup operation on your login URL.

    doe-macOS% nslookup

  3. The response returns information on your instance.

    doe-macOS% nslookup
    Non-authoritative answer:
    canonical name =
    canonical name =
    Address: 12.34.567.89
  4. Execute a nslookup operation on the returned IP address.

    doe-macOS% nslookup 12.34.567.89

  5. Check the “name” value in the returned result. If it contains “”, this means your instance is hosted on AWS.

    doe-macOS% nslookup 12.34.567.89
    Non-authoritative answer:   name =
If you would like to be migrated to AWS, please start the process by contacting your Customer Success Manager.
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