
▢ Ensure you have the right team in place with the proper Adobe Commerce certifications and skill sets.

Budget & Timing

▢ Use the Adobe Commerce release schedule to plan your next upgrade and prepare ahead of time.

▢ Discuss which version you think you’ll adopt (full or security-only) based on anticipated needs.

▢ Set aside a budget and team capacity for the upgrade.

Third-party Integrations

▢ Review current Adobe Commerce third-party integrations and their maintenance windows for the year, and consider aligning upgrade work with your maintenance schedule.

Scope & Deployment Planning

▢ Early access activities

  • Partner participates in Beta
  • Beta release note review.

▢ Agree on budget, timeline, scope.

▢ Run the Upgrade Compatibility Tool

▢ Consider using the upgrade to address issues identified by the Site Wide Analysis Tool.

▢ Document dependencies and any technical stack changes required, such as PHP or Elastic Search versions.

▢ Gather project team with Adobe Commerce certifications.

▢ Create stakeholder communication plan.

▢ Plan maintenance window if downtime is anticipated.

▢ Review and approve the testing strategy; consider using the Adobe Commerce test framework or a third-party automation suite.

▢ Confirm that all extensions and customizations are compatible.

▢ Review and update the post-launch playbook; to be used if issues are discovered during or after the upgrade.

Post Deployment

▢ Monitor site for issues – performance, order processing, analytics, and others.

▢ Perform an Adobe Commerce security scan or other third-party scan and review potential security vulnerabilities.

▢ Perform a retrospective with all stakeholders and document what went well and what didn’t and how to improve.

▢ Modify your plan for the next upgrade with lessons learned.

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