Development phase

The development phase includes the following activities:

  • Local and staging environment setup
  • Sprint planning
  • Ticket execution
  • Troubleshooting
  • Code review, merge, and test
  • Sprint review
  • Customer sign-off
See general best practices for high-level recommendations about overall management of the development process.

The following sections include best practices information for the development phase.

Code management

Best practice
Code review
Recommended validation process to ensure that implemented functionality meets requirements
Composer vs Git
Determine how to distribute custom code with consideration for release management, code complexity, and dependency management
Branching strategy
Manage source code in Git repositories

Platform and services

Best practice
Builds and deployment
Describes best practices for the build and deploy stages of Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure projects
Systematically and effectively debug the Adobe Commerce framework
Static content deployment
Avoid issues with static content not appearing on your storefront
Troubleshoot common Adobe Commerce implementation issues


Best practice
Table modification
Determine how and when to modify Adobe Commerce and third-party database tables

File optimization

Best practice
Catalog image resizing
Provides guidance on image resizing before a store goes into production to ensure optimal performance
CSS and JS
Merge and minify cascading style sheet (CSS) and JavaScript (JS) files from the Admin or the command line
Optimize images and use Fastly to optimize response time

Frontend development

Best practice
Theme developmemt
Describes development patterns to help ensure compatibility between your theme, future versions of Adobe Commerce, and custom extensions

PHP development

Best practice
Exception handling
Describes recommended methods for logging exceptions
Describes development patterns to help ensure compatibility between your extension, future versions of Adobe Commerce, and other custom extensions
Private content blocks
Configure private content blocks to optimize storefront performance
Modify core and third-party PHP code
Modify the functionality, result, or input of any code that you did not author or do not directly control