The fast way

There is another way of resizing images using the frontend.

The advantages of this approach include:

  • The process is multi-threaded
  • The process is multi-server (if you have multiple web nodes, a load balancer, and shared disk space for the media/ directory)
  • The process skips images that have already been resized

This approach resizes 100,000 images in less than 8 hours, whereas the CLI command takes 6 days to complete.

  1. Log in to the server.
  2. Navigate to pub/media/catalog/product and make a note of one of the hashes (for example, 0047d83143a5a3a4683afdf1116df680).
  3. In the following examples, replace with the domain of your store and replace the hash with the one you noted.
cd pub/
find ./media/catalog/product -path ./media/catalog/product/cache -prune -o -type f -print | sed 's~./media/catalog/product/~' > images.txt

The disadvantage of siege is that it visits all URLs in the 10 times if concurrency is set to 10.

siege --file=./images.txt --user-agent="image-resizer" --no-follow --no-parser --concurrent=10 --reps=once
xargs -0 -n 1 -P 10 curl -X HEAD -s -w "%{http_code} %{time_starttransfer} %{url_effective}\n" < <(tr \\n \\0 <images.txt)

The -P argument determines the number of threads.

The one-liner for the find/curl example, in case you can run curl from the same machine the images are on:

find ./media/catalog/product -path ./media/catalog/product/cache -prune -o -type f -print | sed 's~./media/catalog/product/~' | xargs -n 1 -P 10 curl -X HEAD -s -w "%{http_code} %{time_starttransfer} %{url_effective}\n"

Again, replace with your website’s domain and set -P to the number of threads your server can handle without crashing.

The output returns a list of all product images in the store. You can crawl the images (with siege or any other crawler) using all servers and processor cores available to you and generate the resize cache at significantly greater speed than other approaches.

Visiting one image cache URL generates all image sizes in the background if they do not yet exist. Also, it skips files that have already resized.

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