Adobe Commerce prompts customers log in invalid link

The article provides a link to the patch for a known Adobe Commerce 2.3.5 issue, where customers are prompted to log in, but the link to resend a confirmation email does not work.

Affected products and versions

  • Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods) 2.3.5


Adobe Commerce prompts customers to log in by displaying this message: “This account is not confirmed. Click here to resend confirmation email”. The Click here link should open the Send confirmation link page, but is inactive.


A patch for this issue is available in Adobe Commerce Technical Resources: Resend account confirmation email link issue patch for Adobe Commerce 2.3.5. A permanent fix will be available in Adobe Commerce 2.3.6, which is scheduled for release in Q4 2020.

See How to apply a composer patch provided by Adobe for instructions on how to apply a composer patch.

Articles in our support knowledge base and developer documentation for Adobe Commerce 2.3.5 known issues:
