MDVA-28993: Elasticsearch partial search, “minimum should match” and fix for “searches with hyphen” issue

The MDVA-28993 patch implements the “Minimum should match” functionality and partial search for Elasticsearch engine, and solves issues with hyphens in search queries. The patch is available when the Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v.1.0.6 is installed.

Affected products and versions

The patch is created for Adobe Commerce version: Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure 2.3.4

Compatible with Adobe Commerce versions: Adobe Commerce on-premises/ Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure 2.3.4-2.3.5-p2

The patch might become applicable to other versions with new Quality Patches Tool releases. To check if the patch is compatible with your Adobe Commerce version, update the magento/quality-patches package to the latest version and check the compatibility on the Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches page. Use the patch ID as a search keyword to locate the patch.


When using Elasticsearch 6 for searching SKU that contains a hyphen(-), search returns too many results.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to the storefront.

  2. In the search bar enter a string containing a hyphen, for example “WS-M-Blue”.

Expected result:

Returns only WS-M-Blue.

Actual result:

Returns all SKUs starting with “WS”.

Patch details

The MDVA-28993 patch contains the following fixes and improvements:

  • implements the new “Minimum should match” functionality and partial search for Elasticsearch engine. For configuration details refer to Configuring Catalog Search in our user guide.
  • partial search for Elasticsearch
  • fixes the “searches with hyphen” issue described above.

Apply the patch

To apply individual patches, use the following links depending on your deployment method:

To learn more about Quality Patches Tool, refer to:

For info about other patches available in QPT, refer to the Patches available in QPT section.
