Connect Listings to Walmart

Like other marketplaces, Walmart allows third-party sellers to list items that are sold by others.

  • Walmart Marketplace uses product identifiers like UPC and GTIN to match products to existing Walmart Marketplace listings.

  • For matched products, the Walmart Marketplace listing updates to include the Commerce product offer when you connect a product from Channel Manager.

  • Usually, product offers with the lowest prices appear first in the Walmart Marketplace listing, but other factors like reviews also affect placement.

Match products

When you match products, Channel Manager sends the product data to Walmart Marketplace to search for existing listings with attribute values that match the mapped Commerce product attribute. Match criteria is determined by the attribute-mapping configuration for your store channel.

If a match is found, the existing product listing is updated to add your offer.


Before matching products, verify that your product catalog attribute values meet Walmart requirements and configure product attribute settings. See Map catalog attributes.

Select and match products

  1. Open a connected sales channel.

  2. From Listings, select products for matching that are in Draft status.

    Select products from Listings and send for matching {width="500" modal="regular"}

  3. Select Match Products.

    A message indicates the number of products sent for matching.

    The status for selected products changes to Processing until the match operation completes. It can take up to 30 minutes for Walmart Marketplace to complete the match operation.

Check match status

After the match completes, select the Refresh products to view the current product status. Match or Error.

  • Match indicates that the product was successfully matched. Your product offer was connected to an existing Walmart Marketplace listing. If the Marketplace store is not active, Staged for Match is displayed in the Status detail column. Staged products are connected automatically when the Walmart Marketplace store is activated.

  • Error indicates that the match operation failed due to one of the following issues:

    • Channel Manager could not send for matching due to a connection issue.

    • No match was found.

    • Match found, but the listing cannot be connected because Walmart Marketplace returned an error code. See the Error Description for information about the issue.

Check listing on Walmart

After matching products, review the updated product listing and verify product details, price, and inventory quantity from the Walmart Marketplace Seller Account Items dashboard to review the updated product.

Troubleshoot product match errors

If the product match operation fails with an error, the error message is displayed in the Status detail column in the Channel Manager product listing.

Common errors returned are incorrectly formatted Product ID values or missing required attributes.

Fix Product ID values

GTIN-12, the 12-digit number including check-digit.

If your UPC has fewer than 12 digits, such as UPC-E which is 8-digits, add ending zeros to meet the requirement.
Change from 45678912345 to 045678912345
GTIN-14, the 14-digit number including check-digit.

If your GTIN has fewer than 14 digits, add leading zeros
to meet the requirement.
Change 456789123456 to 0045678912345
GTIN-13, the 13-digit number including check-digit.

If your EAN has fewer than 13 digits, add leading
zeros to meet the requirement.
Change from 4567891234 to 0004567891234

For details about Walmart Marketplace error codes, see the Walmart Seller Help.

Upload new product listings

For products that have no match on Walmart Marketplace, use a Walmart product category Excel template to bulk upload product listings. You populate the Walmart template using product catalog data exported from your Commerce instance.

For new product listings, check your product catalog to ensure that products you plan to sell on Walmart Marketplace have the attributes required for Walmart Marketplace product listings.

Walmart Marketplace listings–Attribute requirements

Requirement level
Product name
Product ID type
Product ID
Short description
Selling price
Site description
Main image URL
Shipping weight
Key features
Model number
Manufacturer name
Manufacturer part number
Main image URL
Additional image URL


  • Verify that you meet the Walmart requirements.

  • In your Commerce product catalog, verify that the catalog configuration for the products to list on Walmart Marketplace have all required attributes and meet Walmart Marketplace Content Guidelines.

  • Verify that the cron job is running to complete the export operation.

Create the product data file to upload

  1. From your Walmart Seller account, download a product listing template from the Walmart Seller Center.

    • From the Product Catalog Items page, select Add Items. Then, select Add items in bulk.

      Add items in bulk option in Walmart Marketplace item configuration {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • On the download page, select Full Setup. Then, select an item category and download the category template.

      Download category template option in Walmart Marketplace item configuration {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • Verify that the template includes the required and recommended attributes for the product listing.

  2. From the Commerce Admin, select the product data to export from your Adobe Commerce site.

    • From the Admin, select System > Data Transfer > Export.

    • On the Export page in the Entity Type field, select Products.

    • In the Entity Attributes table, configure the selection criteria for the product data export.

      Use filters to select and configure the attribute values that apply to the product categories that you sell in. Make sure to include Walmart’s required and recommended attributes. (See Export Data in the Adobe Commerce User Guide for detailed instructions.)

      To omit an attribute from the export, select the Exclude checkbox at the beginning of the row.

  3. Scroll to the end of the attribute table and select Continue to start the data export.

    The CSV export file is processed through a message queue using cron jobs and saved in the var/export/folder. (See Manage message queues in the Configuration Guide.)

  4. Open the Excel template for the Walmart Marketplace product category, and use Excel macro capabilities to merge the exported product data into the Excel template.

  5. Upload the Excel file with the exported product data.

    • Return to the Product Catalog Items page in the Walmart Seller Center.

    • Select Add items > Add items in bulk.

    • Drag the completed spreadsheet to the Upload section.

    • Select Submit.

    • Select the Activity Feed to view progress.

For complete instructions, see Add Items in Bulk Using the Full Item Spec in the Walmart Seller Help.
