Adobe Experience Cloud Integration for Commerce
Integrate Adobe Commerce projects with Experience Cloud by enabling the Admin Unified Experience extension. When the integration is active, administrators can access Commerce projects from Adobe Experience Cloud.
View available Commerce projects
Administrators can view Commerce projects that they have permission to access by selecting Commerce from the Experience Cloud home page.
Administrators can open the Admin and the Storefront for each project from the Commerce Projects workspace and view additional information.
Snapshot of Commerce storefront home page—Snapshot of the storefront home page. If a project has multiple websites, the snapshot shows the home page for the default site.
Project name—Identifies the cloud project environment for the instance. The Project name defaults to the Git branch name in the cloud project. Change or update the project name in the Unified Experience store configuration settings.
Storefront URL—Shows the base URL for the default website.
Environment type—Commerce instances deployed to a development or staging environment are identified with a Development or Staging label. Instances that do not have a label are deployed to a Production environment.
Commerce Admin access—Open the Admin by clicking Open.
Storefront access—Open the storefront by selecting Open storefront from the options menu.
Quick access to select projects—Select Add to Favorites from the options menu to add a project to the Favorites tab.
Authentication flow
When the Experience Cloud integration is enabled, administrators use the following workflow to authenticate and access Commerce projects.
Log in through the Experience Cloud sign in page.
Administrators must sign in to Experience Cloud with the Adobe business profile for the organization associated with the Commerce instance. See Manage Adobe profiles.
On the Experience Cloud home page, open the Commerce Projects workspace by selecting Open.
Access the Admin for a project by selecting Open.
On the Adobe Commerce Sign In page, select Sign in with Adobe ID to complete authentication and open the Admin.
Adobe Commerce 2.4.5 or later
Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure
Adobe Commerce extensions
Commerce Admin Unified Experience extension (
)If the module is not available on the Commerce instance, it can be installed using Composer.
Adobe I/O Events service—Required to send event data to manage administrator access to Commerce projects from Experience Cloud.
The Adobe I/O Events integration with Commerce is enabled by the Commerce Event extension (
) which is available with Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 and later versions.
Enable the integration
Enable the integration by following the instructions to Configure the Experience Cloud Integration with the Commerce Admin.