Deployment workflow

Every time you push code from your local workstation to the remote environment or merge code to an environment branch, the build and deploy scripts generate new code and provision the configured services to the remote environment.

Build script actions:

  • Site in the target environment continues to run during a build

  • Check and run Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure patches and hotfixes

  • Compile code with a build and deploy log

  • Check for Configuration Management, static content deployment occurs during this phase

  • Create or use a slug of unchanged code to speed up the process

  • Provision all backend services and applications

Deploy script actions:

  • Place the site in the target environment in a Maintenance mode

  • Deploy static content if not completed during Build

  • Install or update Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure

  • Configure routing for traffic

After the build and deploy process, your store comes back online with your latest code changes and configurations. See Deployment process.

Merge to integration

Combine all verified code changes by merging your active development branch into the base integration branch. You can test all your changes on the integration branch before promoting changes to the Staging environment.

Merge to Staging

Staging is a pre-production environment that provides all services and settings as close to the production environment as possible. Always push your code changes from the integration environment to the staging environment so that you can perform thorough testing with all services. The first time you use the staging environment, you must configure services, such as Fastly CDN and New Relic. Configure payment gateways, shipping, notifications, and other vital services with sandbox or testing credentials.

It is best to thoroughly test every service, verify your performance testing tools, and perform UAT testing as an administrator and as a customer, until you feel that your store is ready for the production environment. See Deploy your store.

Some projects demand a more sophisticated development workflow. To support this need, Adobe offers an additional staging environment as an add-on option to your cloud infrastructure.

Merge to Production

After thorough testing in the staging environment, merge to the production environment and thoroughly test using live credentials. The moment you launch your production site customers must be able to complete purchases and administrators must be able to manage the live store. See the following topics for a detailed, clear walk-through for deploying your store and going live:

Merge to Global Master

Always push a copy of the production code to the Global master in case there is an emergent need to debug the production environment without interrupting services.

Do not create a branch from Global master. Use the integration branch to create new, active branches for development and fixes.

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