Configure the Experience Cloud Integration with the Commerce Admin

Get started with the Experience Cloud integration with Commerce Admin by configuring the Commerce application to use the Commerce Admin Unified Experience and Commerce Events extensions.


  • Adobe Commerce must be configured to use Adobe IMS authentication

  • Account provisioning and permissions—Administrators must have an Adobe business profile with access to the following resources to configure the Experience Cloud integration:

    • Adobe Admin Console—Add and manage Adobe user and developer accounts for the organization
    • Adobe Developer Console—Developer or system administrator access to create App Builder projects and generate the connection credentials and project configuration to use the Adobe I/O Events service
    • Commerce on cloud infrastructure project—Install required modules and configure the Commerce application server using the Adobe Commerce CLI
    • Commerce Admin—Update store configuration and manage Commerce user accounts

Configuration overview

Enable the integration by completing the following tasks:

Check the Commerce environment and application configuration

Before configuring the Experience Cloud integration, verify that your project and Commerce application meet the requirements.

  1. On your local workstation, change to the project directory for your Commerce project.

  2. Check out the environment branch for the instance to integrate with Experience Cloud.

  3. Verify that Adobe IMS is enabled.

    • Use the SSH Access URL for the environment to connect to the Commerce application server.

    • From the command line, use the Adobe Commerce CLI to check the IMS module status.

      code language-bash
      bin/magento admin:adobe-ims:status

    If the module is not enabled, enable it using the Organization and credentials for the IMS integration project.

  4. Verify that the Admin user can log into the Commerce Admin using their Adobe ID.

    • Go to the Commerce Admin URL.

    • If you are logged in, log out.

    • Ensure that the Admin user is redirected to log in using their Adobe ID.

      Adobe Commerce Sign In using Adobe ID {width="600" modal="regular"}

  5. From the cloud project directory on your local workstation, verify that the Commerce Admin Unified Experience extension is installed.

    code language-bash
    composer show *unified-experience*

    If the extension is installed, Composer returns the extension name and description.

    code language-none
    magento/module-unified-experience <version> Commerce module responsible for integration with Adobe Experience Cloud

    If the extension is not installed, use Composer to install it. Then, commit the changes and redeploy the cloud environment.

    code language-none
    composer require magento/module-unified-experience
    composer update

Enable Commerce Admin Unified Experience

Enable the Commerce Admin Unified Experience extension, and then log in through Experience Cloud.

These instructions show how a Commerce Cloud project administrator can enable the extension using the Adobe Commerce CLI. Commerce Admin users can also enable the extension by updating the Commerce store configuration settings.
  1. From the root directory of your Cloud project environment on your local workstation, use the magento-cloud CLI tool to log in to the Commerce application server.

    code language-bash
    magento-cloud ssh
  2. Enable the magento/module-unified-experience extension using the Adobe Commerce CLI:

    code language-bash
    bin/magento config:set admin/unified_experience/enabled 1
    Admin Unified Experience integration is enabled
  3. Clear the cache.

    code language-bash
    bin/magento cache:clean

Set up Adobe I/O Events for Commerce

When the Experience Cloud integration is enabled, the Adobe I/O Events service sends Commerce event data to Experience Cloud to manage administrator access to Commerce projects. Service set up requires enabling the Adobe I/O Events for Commerce extension (magento/commerce-eventing) and configuring the Adobe I/O Events service in the Admin.

Enable Commerce Events

Enable the Commerce Events extension (magento/commerce-eventing) to send custom event data from the Commerce application to the Adobe I/O Events service.

For Commerce 2.4.6 and later, the Commerce Events extension is installed by default. For Commerce projects with Commerce 2.4.5, first use Composer to install the extension, then enable it.
  1. From your local Commerce project development environment, add the following configuration to the .magento.env.yaml file.

    code language-yaml
        ENABLE_EVENTING: true
          cron_run: true
          max_messages: 0
          consumers: []
  2. Add, commit, and deploy the updated .magento.env.yaml file to the cloud environment.

For details on configuring and managing environment variables using the .magento.env.yaml file, see Configure environment variables for deployment.

Configure the Commerce Events integration

Configure the Commerce Events integration by completing the following tasks. For detailed instructions, see Adobe I/O Events for Commerce developer documentation.

  1. Create an App Builder project to receive event data from the Commerce instance.

    You need credentials and configuration data from the App Builder project to configure the integration in the Commerce Admin.

  2. Configure Adobe Commerce to use Adobe I/O Events.

  3. Update the App Builder project to receive event data from the Commerce instance.

    Do not register or subscribe to events from the Commerce instance. The event registration is pushed to the App Builder project when you configure the event provider for the Commerce application.

    After connecting the event provider to the App Builder project, subscribe to the observer.uex_commerce_instance_update event and save the changes.

  4. To establish the connection, send an event through the event provider to the consumer.

    • From the command line in the local cloud project directory, use SSH to connect to the Commerce application server.

      code language-bash
      magento-cloud ssh
    • Send event data by checking the status of the Admin Unified Experience extension using the Adobe Commerce CLI.

      code language-bash
      bin/magento bin/magento admin:uex:status

Test the integration

Verify that a Commerce Administrator can log in to Experience Cloud to view available Commerce projects and access the Admin and Storefront for each project.

  1. Sign in to Experience Cloud using the Adobe ID and organization associated with the Commerce instance.

    Access Commerce projects from the Experience Cloud home page {width="600" modal="regular"}

  2. View available Commerce Projects by selecting Commerce.

    Commerce Projects workspace for Experience Cloud {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. Open the Admin for an instance by selecting Open.

    Commerce Admin view with Experience Cloud integration enabled {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. Verify that you can perform Admin tasks as expected.

    Workflows in the Commerce Admin should follow the same process. If you experience workflow changes or errors after enabling the Experience Cloud integration, contact your Commerce system administrator or submit an Adobe Support ticket.

After you configure the Experience Cloud integration, verify that administrator accounts are provisioned correctly to access Commerce projects through Experience Cloud. See Manage Admin users.
