Check for problems

On the Admin menu, go to Reports > Marketing > Newsletter Problem Reports.

Button bar

BackReturns to the Newsletter Templates page without saving changes.
ResetResets any unsaved changes in the queue information form to their previous values.
Preview TemplateOpens a preview page in a separate tab.
Save and ResumeSaves all made changes. Puts the newsletter to queue.
Save NewsletterSaves all made changes. Puts the newsletter to queue.


IDA unique numeric identifier that is assigned to each newsletter template.
Queue StartThe date when the newsletter was sent out.
Queue EndThe date when the newsletter finished sending.
SubjectSubject of newsletter template.
StatusIndicates a status of the newsletter mailing. Possible values: Sent, Canceled, Not Sent, Sending, or Paused.
ProcessedIndicates how many newsletters were sent.
RecipientsIndicates how many newsletters were received by subscribers.
ActionsPreview: opens a separate window to preview the template.
