Order Comments

Order Comments

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends a transactional email for each order comment. Options: Yes / No
Order Comment Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default sender: Sales Representative
Order Comment Email TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a comment is added to a customer order. Default template: Order Update
New Order Confirmation Template for GuestStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a comment is added to a guest order. Default template: Order Update for Guest
Send Order Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone to receive a copy of an order comment email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Order Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.



EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends a transactional email for each invoice generated. Options: Yes / No
Invoice Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default sender: Sales Representative
Invoice Email TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when an invoice is generated for a customer. Default template: New Invoice
Invoice Email Template for GuestStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when an invoice is generated for a guest. Default template: New Invoice for Guest
Send Invoice Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone to receive a copy of an invoice email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Invoice Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

Invoice Comments

Invoice Comments

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends a transactional email for each invoice comment. Options: Yes / No
Invoice Comment Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default sender: Sales Representative
Invoice Comment Email TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a comment is added to a customer invoice. Default template: Invoice Update
Invoice Comment Email Template for GuestStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a comment is added to a guest invoice. Default template: Invoice Update for Guest
Send Invoice Comment Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone to receive a copy of an invoice comment email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Invoice Comments Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.



EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends a transactional email for each shipment generated. Options: Yes / No
Shipment Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the sender of the message. Default sender: Sales Representative
Shipment Email TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a shipment is generated for a customer. Default template: New Shipment
Shipment Email Template for GuestStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a shipment is generated for a guest. Default template: New Shipment for Guest
Send Shipment Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone who should receive a copy of a shipment email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Shipment Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

Shipment Comments

Shipment Comments

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends a transactional email for each shipment comment. Options: Yes / No
Shipment Comment Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default sender: Sales Representative
Shipment Comment Email TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a comment is added to a customer shipment. Default template: Shipment Update
Shipment Comment Email Template for GuestStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a comment is added to a guest shipment. Default template: Shipment Update for Guest
Send Shipment Comment Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone to receive a copy of a shipment comment email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Shipment Comments Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

Credit Memo

Credit Memo

EnabledStore ViewActivates the transactional email for each credit memo generated. Options: Yes / No
Credit Memo Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the sender of the message. Default sender: Sales Representative
Credit Memo Email TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a credit memo is generated for a customer. Default template: New Credit Memo
Credit Memo Email Template for GuestStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a credit memo is generated for a guest. Default template: New Credit Memo for Guest
Send Credit Memo Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone who should receive a copy of a credit memo email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Credit Memo Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

Credit Memo Comments

Credit Memo Comments

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends a transactional email for each credit memo comment. Options: Yes / No
Credit Memo Comment Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default sender: Sales Representative
Credit Memo Comment Email TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a comment is added to a customer credit memo. Default template: Credit Memo Update
Credit Memo Comment Email Template for GuestStore ViewIdentifies the template that is sent when a comment is added to a guest credit memo. Default template: Credit Memo Update for Guest
Send Credit Memo Comment Email Copy ToStore ViewSpecifies the email address of anyone to receive a copy of a credit memo comment email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Credit Memo Comments Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

Order Ready For Pickup in Store

Order Ready For Pickup in Store

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends a transactional email when an order is ready for in-store pickup. Options: Yes / No
Order Ready For Pickup Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default sender: General Contact
Order Ready For Pickup Email TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is used for the transactional email for each order that is ready for pickup in store for a registered customer. Default template: Order is Ready for Pickup
Order Ready For Pickup Email Template for GuestStore ViewIdentifies the template that is used for the transactional email for each order that is ready for pickup in store for a guest. Default template: Order is Ready for Pickup for Guest
Send Order Ready For Pickup Email Copy ToStore ViewSpecifies the email address of anyone to receive a copy of an Order Ready For Pickup email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Order Ready For Pickup Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

Purchase Order Approval

Adobe Commerce B2B feature Exclusive feature available only with Adobe Commerce B2B

Purchase Order Approval

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends emails during the purchase order process. Options: Yes / No
Created and requires Approval Purchase Order (to Buyer)Store ViewSends an email confirmation to the purchase order creator.
Created and Automatically approved Purchase Order (to Buyer)Store ViewSends an email confirmation to the purchase order creator.
Approved Purchase Order (to Buyer)Store ViewSends an email to the creator on purchase order approval.
Rejected Purchase Order (to Buyer)Store ViewSends an email to the creator when the purchase order has been rejected.
Comment added to Purchase OrderStore ViewSends an email to the creator when a comment has been added to the PO.
Error creating Order from Purchase Order (to Buyer)Store ViewNotifies creator that an error occurred when converting a PO to an order.
Purchase Order required Approval (to Approver)Store ViewSends an email to notify the approver that the purchase order requires their approval.


Adobe Commerce B2B feature Exclusive feature available only with Adobe Commerce B2B


EnabledStore ViewEnables quote email messages to be sent from the current store view. Options: Yes / No
Updated Quote Template (to Buyer)Store ViewDetermines the email template that is used for notification sent to the buyer when an updated quote is available. Default template: Updated Quote
Declined Quote Template (to Buyer)Store ViewDetermines the email template that is used for notification sent to the buyer when a quote is declined. Default template: Declined Quote
New Quote Template (to Seller)Store ViewDetermines the email template that is used for notification sent to the seller when a request for a new quote is received. Default template: New Quote
Updated Quote Template (to Seller)Store ViewDetermines the email template that is used for notification sent to the seller when an updated quote is received. Default template: Updated Quote
Quote Expiration (in 48 hrs)Store ViewSpecifies the email template that is used for the expiration notice that is sent 48 hours before the quote expires. Default template: Expiration Warning
Quote Expiration (in 24 hrs)Store ViewSpecifies the email template that is used for the expiration notice that is sent 24 hours before the quote expires. Default template: Expiration Warning 1
Expiration Date ResetStore ViewSpecifies the email template that is used for the notice that is sent when the expiration date changes. Default template: Expiration Date Reset
Send Quote Email Copy ToStore ViewSpecifies the email address of each person who is to receive a copy of the quote email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Quote Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.


Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)


EnabledStore ViewActivates email notification for each RMA generated. Options: Yes / No
RMA Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the sender of the message. Default value: Sales Representative
RMA Email TemplateStore ViewDetermines the email template that is used for the notification sent when an RMA is generated for a customer. Default template: New RMA
RMA Email Template for GuestStore ViewDetermines the template that is sent when an RMA is generated for a guest. Default template: New RMA for Guest
Send RMA Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone who should receive a copy of an RMA email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send RMA Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

RMA Authorization

Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

RMA Authorization

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends an email notification for each RMA authorization. Options: Yes / No
RMA Authorization Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default value: Sales Representative
RMA Authorization Email TemplateStore ViewDetermines the email template that is used when an RMA authorization notification is sent. Default template: RMA Authorization
RMA Authorization Email Template for GuestStore ViewDetermines the template that is used when an RMA authorization notification is sent to a guest. Default template: RMA Authorization for Guest
Send RMA Authorization Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone to receive a copy of an RMA authorization email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send RMA Authorization Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

RMA Admin Comments

Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

RMA Admin Comments

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends an email notification for each RMA Admin comment. Options: Yes / No
RMA Comment Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default value: Sales Representative
RMA Comment Email TemplateStore ViewDetermines the email template that is used when an Admin adds a comment to an RMA for a customer. Default template: RMA Admin Comments
RMA Comment Email Template for GuestStore ViewDetermines the template that is used when an Admin adds a comment to an RMA for a guest. Default template: RMA Admin Comments for Guest
Send RMA Comment Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone to receive a copy of the notification. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send RMA Comments Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

RMA Customer Comments

Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

RMA Customer Comments

EnabledStore ViewWhen enabled, sends an email notification for each RMA customer comment. Options: Yes / No
RMA Comment Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender. Default value: Customer Support
RMA Comment Email RecipientStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that is the recipient of the customer comment email. Default value: Sales Representative
RMA Comment Email TemplateStore ViewDetermines the email template that is used when a customer adds a comment to an RMA. Default template: RMA Admin Comments
Send RMA Comment Email Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone to receive a copy of the notification. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send RMA Comments Email Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options include:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.

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