Update to the new deliverability server acc-deliverability

Starting v7.2.2 release, Adobe Campaign relies on a new deliverability server which bring high availability and addresses security compliance issues. Campaign Classic now synchronizes the deliverability rules, broadlogs and suppression address from and to new deliverability server. The old deliverability server will be decomissioned on August 31, 2022.

As a Campaign Classic customer, you must implement the new deliverability server before August 31, 2022.

For more questions about these changes, refer to the FAQ, or contact Adobe Customer Care.

What changed? acc-deliverability-changes

Adobe is decommissioning older data centers due to security compliance reasons. Adobe Campaign Classic clients need to migrate to the new deliverability service, hosted on Amazon Web Service (AWS).

This new server guarantees a high availability (99.9)​, and provides secure and authenticated endpoints to enable campaign servers to fetch the required data: rather than connecting to the database for every request, the new deliverability server caches the data to serve the requests where possible. This mechanism improves the response time.​

Are you impacted? acc-deliverability-impacts

All customers are impacted and must upgrade to Campaign v7.2.2 (or more) and implement their environment to benefit from the new deliverability server.

How to update? acc-deliverability-update

As a hosted customer, Adobe will be working with you to upgrade your instance(s) to the newer version, and create the project in Adobe Developer Console.

As an on-premise/hybrid customer, you need to upgrade to Campaign v7.2.2 (or more) to benefit from the new deliverability server. Once all instances are upgraded, you must implement the new integration to Adobe deliverability server, and ensure a seamless transition.

Implementation steps implementation-steps

These steps should only be carried out for Hybrid and On-premise implementations.

As part of the new deliverability server integration, Campaign needs to communicate with Adobe Shared Services via an Identity Management Service (IMS) based authentication. The preferred way is to use the Adobe Developer based Gateway Token (also called Technical Account Token or Adobe IO JWT).

The Service Account (JWT) credential is being deprecated by Adobe, Campaign integrations with Adobe solutions and apps must now rely on OAuth Server-to-Server credential.
  • If you have implemented inbound integrations with Campaign, you must migrate your Technical Account as detailed in this documentation. Existing Service Account (JWT) credentials will continue to work until January 27, 2025.

  • If you have implemented outbound integrations, such as Campaign-Analytics integration or Experience Cloud Triggers integration, they will continue to work until until January 27, 2025. However, before that date, you must upgrade your Campaign environment to v7.4.1 and migrate your Technical Account to oAuth.

Prerequisites prerequisites

Before starting the implementation, check your instance configuration.

  1. Open Campaign client console and log on to Adobe Campaign as an Administrator.

  2. Browse to Administration > Platform > Options.

  3. Check that the DmRendering_cuid option value is filled.

    • If the option is filled, you can start the implementation.
    • If no value is filled, contact Adobe Customer Care to get your CUID.

    This option must be filled on all your Campaign instances (MKT, MID, RT, EXEC) with the correct value. As an hybrid customer, reach out to Adobe to have the option set on your MID, RT and EXEC instances.

As an on-premise customer, you must also check that a Campaign Product profile is available for your Organization. To perform this, follow the steps below:

  1. As an Administrator, connect to Adobe Admin Console.

  2. Access the Product and Services section and check Adobe Campaign is listed.
    If you cannot see Adobe Campaign contact Adobe Customer Care to get it added.

  3. Click Adobe Campaign and select your Organization.
    Caution: If you have more than one organization, make sure to select the correct one. Learn more about Organizations in this page.

  4. Check that a Product profile exists. If not, create it. No permission is required for this Product profile.

As an on-premise customer, if a firewall is implemented on your side, you must add this url https://deliverability-service.adobe.io to your allowlist. Learn more.

Step 1: Create/update your Adobe Developer Project adobe-io-project

To proceed with configuring your Adobe Analytics connector, access the Adobe Developer console and create your OAuth Server-to-Server project.

Refer to this page for the detailed documentation.

Step 2: Add the project credentials in Adobe Campaign add-credentials-campaign

Follow the steps detailed in this page to add your OAuth project credentials in Adobe Campaign.

Step 3: Validate your configuration

To check that the integration is successful, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the client console and log on to Adobe Campaign.
  2. Browse to Administration > Production > Technical workflows.
  3. Restart the Refresh for deliverability (deliverabilityUpdate) workflow. This should be performed on all your Campaign instances (MKT, MID, RT, EXEC). As an hybrid customer, reach out to Adobe to have the workflow restarted on your MID, RT and EXEC instances.
  4. Check logs: the workflow should execute without errors.
After the update, the Update seed network for Inbox Rendering (updateRenderingSeeds) workflow must be stopped, as it will no longer apply and will fail.

Frequently Asked Questions faq

What is the timeline for the update?

The transition to the new deliverability server, allowing for the addition of these improved capabilities and reinforcing security, will begin on July '22 for hosted customers (Campaign Managed Services). All hosted customers will be updated by the end of August.

On-premise and hybrid customers must transition during the same timeframe.

What happens if I do not upgrade my environment?

Any Campaign instance not upgraded by August 31 will no longer be able to connect with the Campaign Deliverability server. As a consequence, the Refresh for deliverability (deliverabilityUpdate) workflow will fail, and this will affect your deliverability.

If you do not upgrade your environment, email settings will stop being synchronized (MX Management rules, Inbound Email rules, Domain Management rules, and bounce qualification rules). This could affect over time your deliverability. If a significant change is made on these rules, these will have to be applied manually from this point.

For MKT instances, only Global Suppression List is affected.
