Create your Adobe technical account create-service-account

Server-to-Server authentication credentials allow your application’s server to generate access tokens and make API calls on behalf of your application itself. Learn more

Migrate existing integrations migrate-jwt

The Service Account (JWT) credential is being deprecated by Adobe. Campaign integrations with Adobe solutions and apps must now rely on OAuth Server-to-Server credential.

If you have implemented inbound or outbound integrations with Campaign before June 2024, you must upgrade your Campaign environment to v7.4.1 and migrate your Technical Account to oAuth as detailed in this documentation. Existing Service Account (JWT) credentials will continue to work until January 27, 2025.

Once migration is done, you must associate your new credential to Campaign as explained in this section.

Create new OAuth technical account for new integrations oauth-service

To create your OAuth technical account for new integrations, follow these steps:

  1. Access Adobe Developer console and log in as System Administrator of your Organization.

    For more information on Admin roles, refer to this page.

  2. Click Create a new project.

  3. Click Add to Project and select API.

  4. Select the product you want to integrate with Campaign and click Next.

  5. Choose OAuth Server-to-Server as authentication type and click Next.

  6. Select the Product profile link to your project.

    You can create a new one if needed. Learn more

  7. Then, click Save Configured API.

  8. From your project, under Credential select OAuth Server-to-Server and copy the following information:

    • Client ID
    • Client secret
    • Technical account ID
    • Organization ID

Add OAuth project credentials in Adobe Campaign add-credentials

Follow the steps below to add your OAuth project credentials in Adobe Campaign:

  1. Login via SSH to each container where the Adobe Campaign instance is installed.

  2. Add your OAuth project credentials in Adobe Campaign by running the following command as neolane user. This will insert the Technical Account credentials in the instance configuration file.

    code language-none
    nlserver config -instance:<instance_name> -setimsoauth:ims-org-id/client-id/technical-account-id/client-secret