Locate Tomcat version
- Topics:
- Monitoring
Adobe Campaign uses an embedded web servlet called Apache Tomcat to process HTTP/HTTPS requests between the application and any external interface (including Client Console, tracked URL links, SOAP calls, and others). There is often an external web server (usually IIS or Apache) in front of this for any external-facing Adobe Campaign instances.
Follow the procedure below to find out the exact version of Tomcat used in a Campaign Classic on-premise instance in order to help troubleshoot issues.
Tomcat used in Adobe Campaign
Tomcat runs on Java and requires JDK to be installed. For more information, see Java Development Kit (JDK) in the Campaign Compatibility Matrix section.
The Tomcat used in Adobe Campaign is a customized embedded version that does not use all the features of the full generally available release of Tomcat, and may not suffer all the vulnerabilities of the full version. The Tomcat should also not be exposed to the outside internet, and any Adobe Campaign instances which are exposed should have an external web server (IIS, Apache, etc.) in front of the Tomcat to protect it.
New or upgraded versions of the embedded versions of Tomcat are only released with new builds of Adobe Campaign itself and not as separate patches outside of the Adobe Campaign builds.
Starting Campaign v7.4.1, Tomcat 10.1 is the default version.
Adobe Campaign Classic does not use WebSocket and HTTP2 protocols.
How to locate the version of embedded Tomcat
To locate the version of embedded Tomcat in an instance of Adobe Campaign, follow the steps below.
Navigate to the \tomcat-11\lib subfolder within the Adobe Campaign installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\ [Installation_folder] in Windows, or /usr/local/neolane/nl6 in Linux).
Copy the file catalina.jar to an outside temporary folder (for example, your desktop) and rename the extension from .jar to .zip.
Unzip the copied file. It will result in many subfolders and files.
Within the unzipped files/folders, open or read the following contained file using a text editor: org/apache/catalina/util/ServerInfo.properties. You may need to add a .txt extension to facilitate opening with a text editor.
Once finished, if it is on a server machine, delete the temporary file(s) you created.
As an example, the ServerInfo.properties file for Adobe Campaign contains the following information, indicating Tomcat v11.X:
server.info=Apache Tomcat/11.X
server.built=MM DD YYY HH:MM:SS
Once you are able to establish the exact version of Tomcat used in a particular instance, it may help you in troubleshooting Tomcat-related issues.