Install & Update the Campaign client console
- Topics:
- Installation
- Upgrade
Campaign Client Console is a rich client which enables you to connect to your Campaign application server(s).
Before starting to install the Client Console, you need to:
- Check your system and tools compatibility with Adobe Campaign in the Compatibility matrix
- Get your Campaign server URL
- Get your user credentials
- Have Microsft Edge Webview2 runtime installed on your system (from Campaign Classic 7.3 build version). Learn more
The process to install or update the client console differs depending on your implementation of Adobe Campaign Classic.
Please review the details below to understand what is required for your implementation.
Campaign Client console and Campaign application server must run on the same product version. Adobe also highly recommends to use the same product build. Learn how to check your Campaign Client and Server versions in this section.
Access to the installation folder in which the console is installed should be limited to the intended user only, ensuring that write permissions are restricted accordingly.
Microsoft Edge Webview2 runtime installation
From Campaign Classic 7.3 build version, installation of Microsoft Edge Webview 2 runtime is required for any console installation.
Web View is installed by default as part of Windows 11 operating system. If it is not already present on your system, Campaign Classic Console Installer will prompt you to download it from Microsoft Developer website. Note that the download link does not work on the Internet Explorer 11 browser as Microsoft has deprecated its support. Make sure you use a different browser to access the link.
Adobe Hosted implementations
As a hosted customer, you have two options to install or update your client console(s):
Adobe can deploy directly. Once the console is updated, users will be prompted to download the latest client console version in a pop-up window.
You can download to your client console(s) from Software Distribution
Users will require Admin access to complete the update. If the users do not have admin rights, a system administrator will need to deploy to all client consoles
Hybrid & On-premise implementations
For Adobe Campaign users to be able to log on to the instance you have created and configured, they need to use the client console.
Making the console available to users
When the computer used to start an Adobe Campaign application server (nlserver web) receives user connections from the client console, you can configure it to make the setup program for the Adobe Campaign rich client available via an HTML interface. Whenever a new version of the client console is available, users are invited to download it when launching their client console.
To do this, you must:
Select the package that contains the console installation program.
This file is called setup-client-7.X.XXXX.exe, where X is the sub-version of Adobe Campaign and XXXX is the build number.
Copy and paste this package into the Adobe Campaign installation folder (on the marketing server for hybrid installations), under /datakit/nl/eng/jsp.
Start Adobe Campaign server.
No longer ask this question option
Adobe recommends leaving the option No longer ask this question unselected to make sure that all users are alerted when a new version of the console is available. If this option is selected the user will not be informed of new available versions.
If No longer ask this question has been selected, you can reset this prompt. Only system administrators comfortable with editing Windows Registry should make these changes:
Open Registry Editor using the regedit command from the Start > Run menu.
Search for the node and expand it.
Delete the confAdvisedUpgrade entry and close Registry Editor.
Update the console for existing implementation
Once the console is available in the Campaign server folder, users will be prompted to download the latest client console version in a pop-up window.
Users will require admin access to complete the update. If the users do not have admin rights, a system administrator will need to deploy to all client consoles
Download the console for new implementation
Users should now download and install the console by following the steps below:
Open a web browser and download the console from the following address:
https://<your adobe campaign server>:<port number>/nl/jsp/logon.jsp
. -
In the identification window, enter your login and password.
If necessary, use the credentials of the internal account defined during instance creation.
Click the Download link on the installation page.
Download and save the client setup file.
Execute the downloaded file on a computer on Windows: The installation starts up. The default installation path of the client console is $PROGRAMFILES$/Adobe/Adobe Campaign Classic vX Client, where ‘X’ is ‘6’ or ‘7’, according to your Adobe Campaign version.
Create the connection - first time users only
Once the client console is installed, follow the steps below to create the connection to the application server:
Start the console from the Windows Start menu, in the Adobe Campaign program group.
Click the link in the top right-hand corner of the credentials fields to access the connection configuration window.
Click Add > Connection and enter the label and URL of the Adobe Campaign application server.
Specify a connection to your Adobe Campaign application server via a URL. Use either a DNS or an alias of the machine, or your IP address.
For example, you can use the
type URL. -
If Adobe IMS is configured for your organization, check the option Connect with an Adobe ID
Click Ok to save your settings.
You can add as many connections as needed to connect to your test, stage and production environments for example.
Log on to Adobe Campaign
To log on to an existing instance, follow the steps below:
Start the console from the Windows Start menu, in the Adobe Campaign program group.
Click the link in the top right-hand corner of the credentials fields to access the connection configuration window.
Select the Campaign instance you need to log in to.
Click Ok
Enter your user login credentials and click Log in
Related topics
Tutorial video
This video shows how to install and setup the Adobe Campaign Client.
Additional Campaign Classic how-to videos are available here.