Filter Search Results filter-search-results
Filter the results of a signal search based on the signal type.
Go to Audience Data > Signals > Search and run a Signals Search with the desired key-value pairs, or a broader search, using the filters.
Use the Filter by Signal Type section to filter your results based on the following categories:
- Actionable log files: signals received through Google DCM log files;
- Adobe Analytics: signals received from your Adobe Analytics account. Use the Filter by report suites drop-down menu to select the report suite to show signals from.
- General online data: real-time data generated by your visitors and not included in actionable log files and Adobe Analytics;
- Onboarded records: data received through batch data transfers. Use the Filter by data source drop-down menu to select the data source to show signals from.
Optionally, you can Save Search Criteria for future use.