Visual Basic macros in Report Builder

Visual Basic (VBA) macros provide features that help you refresh Excel workbooks. Visual Basic has access to the workbook, Excel, and Windows.

You must run the latest version of Report Builder and log in before running VBA macros.

For security reasons, you cannot schedule a workbook that contains a macro.

Adobe supports three Report Builder API methods.


The RefreshAllReportBuilderRequests() macro refreshes all Report Builder requests in the active workbook. It starts by calling the Report Builder COM Add-in through its Product ID, then calls the RefreshAllRequests() API command:

Sub RefreshAllReportBuilderRequests()

 Dim addIn As COMAddIn
 Dim automationObject As Object
 Dim success As String
 Set addIn = Application.COMAddIns("ReportBuilderAddIn.Connect")
 Set automationObject = addIn.Object
 success = automationObject.RefreshAllRequests(ActiveWorkbook)

End Sub


The RefreshAllReportBuilderRequestsInActiveWorksheet() macro refreshes all Report Builder requests in the active worksheet. The RefreshWorksheetRequests() API call takes a worksheet object as an argument. You can use this call for any worksheet that contains Report Builder requests:

Sub RefreshAllReportBuilderRequestsInActiveWorksheet()

 Dim addIn As COMAddIn
 Dim automationObject As Object
 Dim success As String
 Set addIn = Application.COMAddIns("ReportBuilderAddIn.Connect")
 Set automationObject = addIn.Object
 success = automationObject.RefreshWorksheetRequests(ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet)

End Sub


The RefreshAllReportBuilderRequestsInCellsRange() macro refreshes all Report Builder requests whose cell outputs intersect the specified range of cells. The cell range used in this example points to the range B1:B54 of the “Data” worksheet within the active workbook. The range expression supports all supported Excel range expressions:

Sub RefreshAllReportBuilderRequestsInCellsRange()

 Dim addIn As COMAddIn
 Dim automationObject As Object
 Dim success As String
 Set addIn = Application.COMAddIns("ReportBuilderAddIn.Connect")
 Set automationObject = addIn.Object
 success = automationObject.RefreshRequestsInCellsRange("'Data'!B1:B54")

End Sub