Manage alerts

You can manage existing alerts in the Alerts manager. You can perform various management tasks on alerts, such as tagging, renaming, deleting, and more.

The Alerts manager is structured very much like the Segment Manager and the Calculated Metric Manager.

Create alerts

To create alerts from the Alerts manager:

  1. Select Components > Alerts to access the Alerts manager in Adobe Analytics.

  2. Select Add (or Create new alert if you don’t have any existing alerts).

  3. Select the alert type that corresponds to the alert that you want to create:

    • Analytics data alert: An alert to notify you when abnormal events occur in your data.

      If you select this option, continue with Create alerts for more details about creating alerts.

    • Server call usage alert: An alert to notify you of the risk or occurrence of an overage in your server call consumption and commitment data.

      If you select this option, continue with Server call usage alerts.

      note note
      You must be an Analytics administrator or a user with the Server call usage permission in order to have access to server call usage.

Manage existing alerts

To manage existing alerts in the Alerts manager:

  1. Select Components > Alerts to access the Alerts manager in Adobe Analytics.

  2. Select one or more alerts that you want to manage.

  3. In the action bar, select any of the following options:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2
    Action Function
    Tag Apply a tag to an alert. This helps you to organize alerts for ease of use.
    Delete Deletes the alert.
    Rename Renames the alert.
    Approve Mark the alert as Approved.
    Copy Creates a copy (duplicate) of the alert.
    Disable Disables an alert that is currently enabled.
    Enable Enables an alert that is currently disabled.
    Renew Renews the alert expiration date. This extends the expiration date to be 1 year from the day you selected this option, regardless of the original expiration date.
    Export to CSV Exports the alert to a .CSV file.