Implement Adobe Experience Cloud with Web SDK tutorial

We expect to publish major changes to this tutorial on Friday March 15, 2024. After that point many exercises will change and you may need to restart the tutorial from the beginning in order to complete all of the lessons.

Learn how to implement Experience Cloud applications using Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.

Experience Platform Web SDK is a client-side JavaScript library that allows customers of Adobe Experience Cloud to interact with both Adobe applications and third-party services through the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network. See Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK Overview for more detailed information.

This tutorial guides you through the implementation of the Platform Web SDK on a sample retail website called Luma. The Luma site has a rich data layer and functionality that lets you build a realistic implementation. After completing this tutorial, you should be ready to start implementing all of your marketing solutions through Platform Web SDK on your own website.

Luma website

Learning objectives

After completing the tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Configure datastreams

  • Create XDM schemas

  • Add the following Adobe Experience Cloud applications:

  • Create tag rules and XDM object data elements to send data to Adobe applications

  • Validate the implementation using the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger

  • Capture user consent

  • Forward data to third-parties with event forwarding

A similar multi-solution tutorial is available for Mobile SDK.


All Experience Cloud customers can use Platform Web SDK. It is not a requirement to license a Platform-based application like Real-Time Customer Data Platform or Journey Optimizer to use Web SDK.

In these lessons, it is assumed that you have an Adobe account and the required permissions to complete the lessons. If not, you must reach out to your Experience Cloud Administrator to request access.

Also, it is assumed that you are familiar with front-end development languages like HTML and JavaScript. You do not need to be an expert in these languages, but you get more out of this tutorial if you can read and understand code.

Let’s get started!

Next: Configure permissions

Thank you for investing your time in learning about Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. If you have questions, want to share general feedback, or have suggestions on future content, share them on this Experience League Community discussion post