Configure a datastream

We expect to publish major changes to this tutorial on Friday March 15, 2024. After that point many exercises will change and you may need to restart the tutorial from the beginning in order to complete all of the lessons.

Learn how to enable a datastream and configure Experience Cloud solutions.

Datastreams tell Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network where to send data collected by Platform Web SDK. In the datastreams configuration, you enable your Experience Cloud applications, your Experience Platform account, and event forwarding. See the Fundamentals of Configuring a Datastream for more detailed information.

Learning objectives

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Create a datastream
  • Enable your Experience Cloud applications
  • Enable Experience Platform


Before you configure your datastream, you must have already completed the following lessons:

Create a datastream

Now you can create a datastream to tell Platform Edge Network where to send data collected by Web SDK.

To create a datastream:

  1. Open the Data Collection interface

  2. Make sure the you are in the correct sandbox

    note note
    If you are the customer of a Platform-based application like Real-Time CDP, we recommend using a development sandbox for this tutorial. If you are not, use the Prod sandbox.
  3. Go to Datastreams in the left navigation

  4. Select New Datastream on the right hand-side of the screen.

  5. Enter Luma Web SDK as the Name. This name is referenced later when you configure the Web SDK extension in your tag property.

  6. Select your Luma Web Event Data as the Event Schema

  7. Select Save

    Create the datastream

    note availability
    The mapping feature will be incorporated into this tutorial at a later date.

On the next screen, you are able to add services such as Adobe applications to the datastream, however you will not add any services at this point in the tutorial. You will do so later in the lessons Set up Experience Platform, Set up Analytics, Set up Audience Manager, Setup Target, or Event Forwarding.

When implementing Platform Web SDK on your own website, you should create three datastreams to map to your three tag environments (development, stage, and production). If you are using Platform Web SDK with Platform-based applications such as Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform or Adobe Journey Optimizer, you should be sure to create those datastreams in the appropriate Platform sandboxes.

You are now ready to install the Platform Web SDK extension in your tag property!

Next: Install Platform Web SDK extension in tags

Thank you for investing your time in learning about Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. If you have questions, want to share general feedback, or have suggestions on future content, share them on this Experience League Community discussion post