Build a Program Membership Analysis Report that Lists Leads build-a-program-membership-analysis-report-that-lists-leads

Follow these steps to create a Program Membership Analysis report that will show you all program member names.

Not all Marketo Engage users have purchased this functionality. Contact the Adobe Account Team (your Account Manager) for details.
  1. Launch Revenue Explorer.

  2. Click Create New then Report.

  3. Select Program Membership Analysis and click OK.

  4. Find and double-click the Program Name yellow dot.

  5. Find and double-click the Members blue dot.

  6. Find and double-click the Success (Total) blue dot.

See how easy that was?

You can quickly add a lead attribute such as Full Name to see who the members are.

There are plenty of lead/company attributes to pick from. Check them out!
  1. Find and double-click the Full Name yellow dot.

There you have it!
