Setting up reCAPTCHA v3
- Topics:
- Forms
ReCAPTCHA v3 is a frictionless experience that scores form submissions based on how suspicious they are without using text, image, or button challenges. Learn more.
Retrieve Your Data Center and Munchkin ID
For Step 6 in the Initial reCAPTCHA v3 setup section below, you’ll need your Marketo Engage subscription’s Data Center and Munchkin ID. Here’s how to find them.
In Marketo, click Admin.
Click My Account.
Scroll down to Support Information.
Initial reCAPTCHA v3 setup
The following steps are performed outside of Marketo.
Go to and click on v3 Admin Console.
Sign in/sign up with a Google account.
Click the Create button (+ sign) to create a new key.
Create a label to identify the key is to be used for Marketo Engage.
Choose type reCAPTCHA v3. Marketo Engage does not currently support reCAPTCHA v2.
Add each domain the Marketo Engage subscription uses. Domains not set here will return errors on forms where reCAPTCHA is enabled. Remember to replace the words ‘datacenter’ and ‘munchkinID’ with the data in your subscription.
- any landing page domain and alias configured in the subscription
As an example, if your account’s Data Center is “sjst,” the domain you’d allowlist would
. If your Munchkin ID is 123-ABC-789, the domain you’d allowlist would
. -
Set an owner and additional email address that should receive any alerts about this service.
Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service.
Click Submit.
Keep the site key and secret key handy for the Marketo Engage configuration.
Setting up CAPTCHA in Marketo Engage
In Marketo, click Admin.
Select CAPTCHA in the tree.
Click Edit on CAPTCHA settings.
Click the CAPTCHA drop-down and choose reCAPTCHA v3.
Insert the Secret Key and Site Key. Click Save when done.