Getting Started with Predictive Audiences getting-started-with-predictive-audiences

Predictive Audiences (PA) utilizes AI and machine learning to enable you to target audiences more effectively and take proactive steps to reach your marketing goals.

PA includes the following features:

  • Registration and Attendance Likelihood values for every lead in an event program
  • Predictive Filters
  • Models and influencing factors
  • AI/ML-based Insights
  • Goal Tracking and Projected Registrations - (Goal Tracking is only available to those who have the modern UX toggle enabled for Event Programs)
Goal tracking and projected registrations is only applicable to those who have the modern UX toggle enabled for Event Programs.

The performance of the AI/ML models relies on the data in your subscription. The more frequently a model is used, the more tuned it will become to your specific subscription data and business.


Predictive Audiences is automatically included and activated for instances utilizing Prime or Ultimate pricing bundles. To learn more about getting access to this feature, please contact the Adobe Account Team (your Account Manager).

  1. Once the feature has been added to your instance, navigate to the Predictive Audiences page in the Admin area of Marketo.

  2. Check Enable Predictive Audiences to activate the feature. Note that it could take up to 24 hours for all processes to complete set-up.
