Access API
Gives users with the API Only Role access to the individual APIs listed below.
- Approve Assets
- Execute Campaign
- Read-Only Activity
- Read-Only Activity Metadata
- Read-Only Assets
- Read-Only Campaign
- Read-Only Company
- Read-Only Custom Object
- Read-Only Person
- Read-Only Named Account
- Read-Only Opportunity
- Read-Only Sales Person
- Read-Write Activity
- Read-Write Activity Metadata
- Read-Write Assets
- Read-Write Campaign
- Read-Write Company
- Read-Write Custom Object
- Read-Write Person
- Read-Write Named Account
- Read-Write Opportunity
- Read-Write Sales Person
Access Analytics
Gives users access to the Analytics tabs, Email Insights, reports, and the three items below, unless they are unchecked.
- Access Revenue Explorer - Unchecking removes user’s access to Revenue Explorer
- Create Report* - Gives users access to create, clone, read, update, and move Report assets in Analytics and Marketing Activities, as well as Revenue Cycle Modeler assets
- Delete Report - Unchecking removes user’s ability to delete reports
- Export Analytics Data - Unchecking removes user’s ability to export Analytics data
*To avoid disruption for existing users, this permission is being introduced in passive mode and is visible but not accessible at this time. We will communicate how to implement it when it becomes active in mid-2024.
Access Calendar Presentations
Gives users access to Calendar presentations - enables display of the Presentations button at the bottom.
- Edit Calendar Presentations - Enables users to edit presentations in Calendar
Access Design Studio
Gives users access to the Design Studio tab and view of the tree, but not to details.
Access Email
Edit Email - Gives users permission to edit, create, and clone emails
Make Email Operational - Gives users permission to make an email operational. See: Make an Email Operational
Approve Email - Enables users to approve emails.
Delete Email - Enables users to delete emails.
Set Branded Domain - Enables users to work with branding domains. See: Add an Additional Branding Domain
Access Email Template
- Approve Email Template
- Delete Email Template
- Edit Email Template - Edit, create, and clone email templates
Access Form
- Approve Form
- Delete Form
- Edit Form - Edit, create, and clone forms
Access Image
- Delete Image
- Upload Image
Access Landing Page
- Approve Landing Page
- Delete Landing Page
- Edit Landing Page - Edit, create, and clone landing pages
Access Landing Page Template
- Approve Landing Page Template
- Delete Landing Page Template
- Edit Landing Page Template - Edit, create, and clone landing page templates
Access Snippet
- Approve Snippet
- Delete Snippet
- Edit Snippet
Access Social App
- Approve Social App
- Delete Social App
- Edit Social App
Access Database
View the database as well as view and edit smart/static lists.
Access Segmentation
- Approve Segmentation
- Delete Segmentation
- Edit Segmentation
Delete Person
Create List*
- Access to create a list asset in Database and Marketing Activities
- Access to create a Smart List asset in Database and Marketing Activities
Delete List
Edit Person - Prevents manual editing and running single flow steps; you can still edit people by running campaigns against them
Export Person - Export spreadsheets with from your database lists
Import Custom Object
Import List
Merge People
Run Single Flow Actions - Enables users to run Change Data Value flow step on people from the database
View Opportunity Data - Hides the opportunity info on the person detail page
*To avoid disruption for existing users, this permission is being introduced in passive mode and is visible but not accessible at this time. We will communicate how to implement it when it becomes active in mid-2024.