Understanding page properties understanding-page-properties-aem-sites
The following video introduces the page properties associated with a page in Adobe Experience Manager.
Hi there. In this video, we’re going to take a quick look at page properties and metadata associated with the AEM Sites page.
From AEM home page, let’s navigate to sites console and then open a sample page to view its properties.
You can access the page properties from the page editors UI, or you can access the page properties right from AEM site’s console. Some pages are associated with the live copy, whereas some other pages are not associated with the live copy. The adventure page for example is related to a live copy, and the page information is displayed accordingly.
For page properties, information is sorted and stored under tabs. Let’s click on the page tab first. Basic tab contains the following information.
Title of a page is shown in various locations, for example, the title of a page gets displayed on a navigation menu of your site. This is a mandatory field. You can add or delete tags using the selection box. Adding tags to a page, makes it easily discoverable for content authors. After selecting a tag, it gets listed below the selection box, and you can remove it by clicking on the close icon. You can create a new tag using this field. Hide in navigation shows whether the page is shown or hidden in the page navigation of your site. Page title is the title to be used on the page, mostly used by the title component. If the page title is empty, value in the title field will be used. Subtitle field lets you provide a subtitle for your page. For description, you can add details about your page, what it is used for and its purpose. The on-time date indicates the time at which the published page will be activated.
When released, this page will be kept dormant until the specified time. Leave these fields empty for pages you want to publish immediately. Off time date indicates at the time at which the published page will be deactivated. Again, leave these fields empty for immediate and publish. You can provide vanity URL for this page, which can allow you to have a shorter and/or more expressive URL. Redirect vanity URL indicates, whether you want the page to use the vanity URL or not.
Advanced tab contains the following information. Language shows the current language of your page. Language root should be checked, if the page is the root of a language copy. Redirect indicates the page to which your page should automatically redirect to.
Design indicates the design to be used for this page. It can also specify an alias to be used with this page. You can inherit the cloud properties from a parent page, if the configuration checkbox is selected. If not, you can assign a specific cloud configuration path to your page.
Cloud configurations are designed to provide the logic and structure for storing service configurations.
Allowed templates defines the list of templates that will be available within the sub-branch, you can either provide a full path to a template or use a regex value for the list of allowed templates. Authentication requirement enables or disables use of authentication to access the page. The requirement to have authentication can be set here along with a designated log on page. Closed user groups for the page is defined on the permissions tab. If the authentication requirement is enabled, you can select a login page.
Export configurations allows you to export a page as a complete web page including images, .JSON and .CSS files. Using an export configuration template, page thumbnail shows the current page thumbnail image. You can generate a preview of the page to be used as a thumbnail, or upload an image from your local machine, or choose an existing image from am AEM Assets as a thumbnail for your page.
Social media sharing, defines the sharing options available on the page. Exposes the options available to the sharing core component, if it is added to your page. Enables use the sharing for Facebook, enables user sharing for Pinterest. You can also choose for the preferred experience fragment variation to be used for generating metadata for the page.
Cloud services. If you already have a cloud service solution set up, you can quickly assign the cloud service to your site’s page. Personalization. Context hub is a framework for storing, manipulating and presenting context data. You can select a context hub path for your site page here, and provide the segment’s path. You can optionally select a brand to specify a scope for targeting.
Permissions. In permissions, you can add permissions, edit a closed user group or view the effective permissions. Blueprint. Blueprint defines properties for a blueprint page within multi-site management. Controls the circumstances under which modifications will be propagated to the live copy page. Rollout configuration decides how the blueprint changes are rolled out to its live copies.
Let’s take a look at one of the live copies and view its properties.
For a live copy page, you can see a new property tab called live copy. The live copy tab disables its source and provides options to modify the relationship between your page and its origin. You can synchronize, reset, suspend, or detach. The live copy tab also provides information about the status and additional configuration details. I hope I was able to provide a good enough description of page properties associated with an AEM site page and how it can be used. -
In this video, the following page property elements are covered:
Title and Tags
- Title
- Tags
- Hide in Navigation
More Titles and Description
- Page Title
- Navigation Title
- Subtitle
- Description
On/Off Time
Vanity URL
- Language
- Redirect
- Design
- Alias
Cloud Configuration
Template Settings
Authentication Requirement
Social Media sharing
Cloud Services Configurations
- ContextHub Configurations
- Targeting Configuration