[Integration]{class="badge positive"}
Integrating Experience Platform Data Collection Tags and AEM overview
[AEM Sites as a Cloud Service, AEM Sites 6.5]{class="badge informative"}
Learn how to integrate the tags in Adobe Experience Platform with Adobe Experience Manager.
Tags are Adobe Experience Platform’s next generation of tag management technology. Tags provide the simplest way to deploy Adobe Analytics, Target, Audience Manager, and many more solutions. Get an overview of Tags and the recommended integration with Adobe Experience Manager.
Welcome to this video series on integrating Adobe Experience Manager or AEM and Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection Tags. Firstly, a quick note. The Adobe Experience Platform Launch has been rebranded as a suite of data collection technologies in the Adobe Experience Platform. While you might still come across references to the term Launch, please note that in this context, it means data collection technology, such as tags. Tags in Adobe Experience Platform is the next generation solution for tag management capabilities. These are not to be confused with content tagging in AEM. Instead, we are referring to HTML tags that embed different libraries to support capabilities, such as capturing data, conversion tracking and delivering unique and personalized experiences. Tags are the recommended way to integrate Adobe Experience Cloud products, like Adobe Analytics, Target and Audience Manager on a web or a mobile platform using extensions built by Adobe.
Additionally, tags supports a number of third-party extensions, such as Meta and Twitter Pixel and LinkedIn Insight Tag. One of the benefits of tags is that once integrated, you can efficiently manage and deliver data collection capabilities with a single embed code. Another key feature is the ability to add or update data collection code without having to update the underlying AEM project code. The recommended way to integrate tags in AEM is by using the Launch API via Adobe Developer Console project. This integration has additional steps to ensure security and that any tags and updates injected into your website were done by a member of your organization. In this video series, we’ll guide you through the steps of creating a simple tax property that has the bare minimum configuration needed to see the tags embed code working. Next, we will connect AEM and tags property using an IMS configuration in AEM in a Developer Console project.
We will then create a cloud service configuration in AEM and apply it to an existing AEM site. Lastly, we’ll validate that tag property is loaded into the AEM site and experiment with tag properties publishing flow to update, approve and publish the library. To follow along with this tutorial, you will need access to an AEM environment with an existing site deployed onto it and Developer Console access with system administrator role. This tutorial will use AEM as a cloud service with WKND reference site deployed onto it. So let’s get started.
The following are required when integrating Experience Platform Data Collection Tags.
- AEM administrator access to AEM as a Cloud Service environment
- A reference site like WKND deployed onto it.
- Access to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection solution
- System Administrator access to Adobe Developer Console
High-level steps
- In Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, create a Tag property and edit it to Add Rule. Then Add Library, select the newly added rule, approve, and publish it.
- Connect AEM and Tags using existing (or new) IMS configuration
- In AEM, create a tags cloud service configuration, then apply it to an existing site and finally verify Tags property and its libraries are loaded on the Published or Author site.