Localized Site Structure Support

Websites are often provided in multiple languages for different regions. Typically each localized page will contain a navigation element which is included as part of the page template. The Navigation Component allows you to place it once on a template for all pages of your site and it will then adapt automatically for the individual localized pages based on your globalized site structure.


Let’s say that your content looks something like this:

+-- wknd
   +-- language-masters
      +-- de
         \-- experience
            \-- arctic-surfing-in-lofoten
      +-- en
         \-- experience
            \-- arctic-surfing-in-lofoten
      +-- es
      +-- fr
      \-- it
   +-- us
      +-- en
         \-- experience
            \-- arctic-surfing-in-lofoten
      \-- es
   \-- ch
      +-- de
         \-- experience
            \-- arctic-surfing-in-lofoten
      +-- fr
      \-- it
+-- wknd-events
\-- wknd-shop

For the site WKND, you would probably want to place the Navigation Component on a page template as part of the header. Once part of the template, you can set the Navigation Root of the component to /content/wknd/language-masters/en since that is where your master content for that site begins. You would maybe also want to set the Navigation Structure Depth to be 2 since you probably don’t want the entire content tree to be shown by the component, but rather the first two levels so it serves as an overview.

With the Navigation Root value, the Navigation Component knows that after /content/wknd/language-masters/en that that the navigation begins and it can generate navigation options by recursing the site’s structure two levels down (as defined by the Navigation Structure Depth value).

No matter what localized page a user is viewing, the Navigation component is able find the corresponding localized page by knowing the location of the current page, working backwards to the root, and then forwards to the corresponding page.

So if a visitor is viewing /content/ch/de/experience/arctic-surfing-in-lofoten, the component knows to generate the navigation structure based on /content/wknd/language-masters/de. Likewise if the visitor is viewing /content/us/en/experience/arctic-surfing-in-lofoten, the component knows to generate the navigation structure based on /content/wknd/language-masters/en.