Customizing Site Templates and Themes customizing-site-templates-themes

Learn how AEM site templates can be used to predefine site structure and initial content and how themes are used to define site style to allow you to quickly create sites.

Overview overview

To allow AEM administrators to quickly create sites adapted to business needs, AEM supports creating new sites by using site templates and site themes.

  • An AEM site template generally contains base site content and structure and site styling information, known as the site theme, to get new site started quickly. Templates are powerful because they are reusable and customizable. And since you can have multiple templates available in your AEM installation, you have the flexibility to create different sites to meet various business needs.
  • An AEM site theme is a package containing the CSS, JavaScript, and static resources that define the styling of your AEM site and complies with the structure of an AEM site theme.

Additional Resources additional-resources

Because site creation is generally the responsibility of the AEM administrator, see the administration documentation for more details on customizing site templates and themes.

  • Site Templates - Learn how AEM site templates can be used to predefine site structure and initial content to allow you to quickly create new sites.
  • Site Themes - Learn how AEM site themes can be used to customize the style and design of your site.
An end-to-end description of the process of creating a site from a template and customizing its theme can be found in the Quick Site Creation Journey.