Adobe Experience Manager
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Adobe Experience Manager includes new features, key customer-requested enhancements, and performance, stability, and security improvements, that are released since the availability of 6.5 release in April 2019. The service pack is installed on Adobe Experience Manager 6.5.
The key features and enhancements introduced in Adobe Experience Manager are:
Added multifield support for multiline text data type.
Enhancement to make users aware of the asynchronous job currently running in the background to prevent them from triggering multiple asynchronous operations on same path.
Auto-generation of sitemap for SEO purposes is possible using the SEO index package. It supports sitemaps, alternate URLs, robot meta tags, and more in the Core Components.
A user experience enhancements displays the number of assets present in a folder. For more than 1000 assets in a folder, Assets displays 1000+.
Business profiles support for Adobe Asset Link.
You can now use Dynamic Media to configure General Settings instead of having to go through the Dynamic Media Classic desktop application. See Configure Dynamic Media General Settings.
You can now use Dynamic Media to configure Publish Setup instead of having to go through the Dynamic Media Classic desktop application. See Configure Dynamic Media Publish Setup.
The built-in repository (Apache Jackrabbit Oak) is updated to 1.22.9.
AEM Forms on JEE now supports Apache Geode as a caching solution. If you’re currently using AEM 6.5 Forms Service Pack 10 or earlier, Adobe recommend upgrading to the latest available service pack. This will enable you to take full advantage of Apache Geode’s as a caching solution.
The following is the list of fixes provided in Experience Manager release.
The following issues are fixed in Sites:
Template to create a content fragment is not visible when creating a content fragment (SITES-3365).
Regular expressions and Unique field options are not working in appsUrl model in the content fragment editor (SITES-1823).
Configurations are added in
node rather that/libs
when installing previous service pack (SITES-3203). -
Features making use of content fragments are not functioning as usual on installing the previous service pack (SITES-3151).
Sorting does not work in Content Fragment Models console (SITES-2722).
GraphiQL is not loading models (schemas) and is encountering error for endpoint JSON (SITES-2428).
The enumeration field types that were added to a Content Fragment Model are not visible in Content Fragment Model Editor (SITES-2391).
Tags data type does not support certain data types (SITES-2390).
Content Fragment Rest API is exporting outdated tag values (SITES-2386).
Arrow in breadcrumb is not aligned properly in Content Fragments Editor (SITES-2341).
Content fragment reference search is slow for large datasets (SITES-2147).
CopyUrl option is inappropriate in Content Fragments Editor (SITES-2007).
No warning is displayed when content fragment is published along with an associated model and the model introduces braking changes (SITES-1988).
URL editing of content fragment model is different for different use cases of editing content fragment models (SITES-1980).
When creating two content fragments with the same title using the inline New Content Fragment action, the wizard returns the same fragment path (SITES-1978).
Auto-complete is not working in Content Fragment Model search facet (SITES-1976).
If a content fragment contains a huge hierarchy of nested fragments, the Content Fragment Editor becomes irresponsive when loading side panel (SITES-1974).
Global search in fragment picker path is not working (SITES-1973).
References are updating when moving a content fragment (SITES-1897).
Option to create page is missing in Card view and Column view (NPR-37549).
When reordering components on a Launch page, promoting the Launch does not preserve the reordering of components (NPR-37539).
The option to select all the items in a list is not working on the rollout page (NPR-37443).
Scheduled activation of multiple pages results in opening a new JCR session for
user (NPR-37417). -
Move operation on folders in the Sites console is failing with an error message “Failed to retrieve launches information for selected item”(NPR-37340).
Content fragment title does not gets updated when moved (NPR-37257).
When generating a thumbnail for blueprint and rolling out to live copies, the inheritance for tabs after thumbnail in live copies is broken (NPR-37190).
The filter predicate to display Live Copy does not display all the live copies (NPR-37126).
Replication event does not return the list of all the parent and children pages that were marked for deletion when the replication event handler is called on the author (NPR-37123).
When saving a multi-valued property using Bulk Editor, then the comma-separated string is stored as the first element of the array (NPR-37089).
The component layout resizing does not work in mobile layout (NPR-37086).
A new node is incorrectly created at the live copy level on saving page properties after adding rollout configurations (NPR-37084).
User cannot create live copies or roll out using page properties for new master pages (SITES-3442).
Tags display tag names instead of title and close option does not remove the tags completely due to tags property working incorrectly when inheritance is cancelled at property level (NPR-36831).
Option to deselect all items is not working and header overlaps with first row in table, of the page which displays a list of live copies (NPR-37070).
In a custom dialog used in a workflow, when trying to validate the dialog, Experience Manager fails with an error in the browser console (GRANITE-35049).
Following accessibility enhancements are available in Adobe Experience Manager Sites:
Screen readers now announce the role of the Site References and Language Copies options (SITES-1791).
The order of browser mode focus now moves sequentially on various options on User interface (SITES-1791).
Screen readers now narrate whether the selected tree item is in selected state and also announces to the user that the action region is displayed (SITES-2109).
Screen readers now announce when there is a loading indicator on selecting filter or searching a page (SITES-1790).
Screen readers now narrate when the Filter option does not return any search result in the left rail (SITES-1599).
When navigating in browse mode, screen readers narrate the role of the content page and selected state of a page when enter key is pressed (SITES-1579).
Screen readers now narrate when Note Add option is selected (SITES-1573).
Form fields now have visual labels apart from the placeholders, so that screen reader users are guided appropriately when entering the field values (SITES-1258).
The following accessibility enhancements are available in Assets:
In card view in the Assets repository, when using
key to move focus to the first item that opens Quick Actions on focus, the screen reader announces the name of the focused item. -
In Dynamic Media Viewer Preset Editor, when Shadow Color and Border Color are not present, the inputs are disabled using the disabled property. Keyboard users are not able to focus the input and screen readers do not announce the state for the control as disabled.
In Dynamic Media, in the interface to create a video encoding profile, the Smart Crop Ratio option is labelled for accessibility so that screen readers announce it appropriately.
You can now access the reference list controls in Experience Manager Assets using a keyboard.
The following issues are fixed in Assets:
When a user of the contributor group navigates to the DAM assets repository, an exceptionable
request is triggered for creating a collection. ThisPOST
request fails and reflects an error in the logs (NPR-37171). -
When creating a live copy of the blueprint having a nested folder structure, the modified properties of the source folder are not updated in the live copy folder (NPR-37449).
When selecting multiple assets and modifying the metadata field values, saving the assets does not retain the values. Also, the metadata changes are not applied (NPR-37341).
When selecting multiple assets and modifying the properties, the custom properties (dropdowns) values are overridden by the default values (NPR-36437).
Incorrect PDF rendition is generated for the brochure, flyer, and InDesign templates (NPR-36433).
Saving an Adobe Target activity with Experience Manager targeting mode fails in case an Adobe Analytics report metric is referenced (NPR-37167).
When a user with email using mixed case domain name checks out an asset, the asset is not visible in the user’s checked out assets in Asset Link (CQ-4329266).
Adding a video with custom metadata generated upon upload to a page displays an error about unknown namespace, even if the namespace is registered (CQ-4331471).
In Assets, if Launcher is disabled, then metadata writeback does not work when triggered manually (CQ-4329082).
Dynamic Media
The following bug fixes are available in Dynamic Media:
Asset is not updated in Dynamic Media when restoring an asset version in Experience Manager (NPR-37421).
ECatalogs are not published on publishing PDF files (CQ-4329886).
3D assets do not load when the published page is opened in case the component is using out-of-the-box preset (CQ-4329205).
Issues in PDF asset processing if there are large repositories (CQ-4328711).
PDF processing error does not propagate to Experience Manager if there is a failure at Scene7 (CQ-4331145).
Users are not able to see the default metadata properties for a .MOV asset (CQ-4332546).
Unable to upload .MXF video files to Dynamic Media using Experience Manager (CQ-4329709).
Upload issues when custom company root is setup (CQ-4332800).
In Experience Manager setups containing custom launcher with
as the workflow, Experience Manager crashes due to memory issues on uploading PDF files. (CQ-4330512). -
Performance issues in
(CQ-4334072). -
If a shoppable video hyperlink (linked-URL) contains special characters, the target URL gets encoded by the viewer and results as an incorrect product page (CQ-4331639).
In a video profile page, the toolbar options disappear if the user selects a video profile immediately on page load (CQ-4308521).
DM asset processing failure due to JCR concurrent writes (CQ-4333489).
Accessing the Video Profiles page fails if user’s video profile root has custom access policies defined on video profiles root node (CQ-4332941).
In a zoomable image, using the shortcut keys (‘+’, ‘-’) or ‘Esc’ key traps the screen readers focus (CQ-4290719).
When a user clicks on the form mode shortcut key (‘F’), the screen reader does not map the label of the Embed Size menu button available in the Get Embed code dialog box (CQ-4290929).
When using keyboard navigation to open the email link popup window, the error suggestions displayed on the user interface for the ‘To’ and ‘From’ fields are not descriptive (CQ-4290930).
When navigating to the email link dialog box, the screen reader does not narrate the label information for the newly added edit fields on using the down arrow and form mode shortcut key (‘F’) (CQ-4290934).
When navigating to the email link dialog box, the screen reader does not reflect the visual asterisk (*) symbol for the ‘To’ and ‘From’ mandatory fields (CQ-4290935).
The users are not able to identify the landmark and region using the shortcut keys (‘D’, ‘R’) (CQ-4312118).
When using the Publish Later option, the user interface is not reflecting the status as Publication Pending (CQ-4334229).
Unpublishing a folder does not unpublish the products of that folder completely, the products are removed from the publisher but still exists in the author instance (CQ-4332731).
When a user clicks on the reorder icon for a multifield option, the scroll bar disappears from the user interface (CQ-4331100).
After upgrade, when a user opens the workplace login container component, the header of the dialog box are not visible on the user interface (CQ-4316173).
- Saving an Adobe Target activity with Experience Manager targeting mode fails in case an Adobe Analytics report metric is referenced (NPR-37167).
- When upgrading from Experience Manager to version, the installation overwrites the properties on
. It resets the assigned metadata schema and properties of the folder to default (NPR-37124).
User Interface
The folder icon representing the model is incorrect (NPR-37176).
When a user performs a search or browses using the path field browser, incorrect nodes are displayed (NPR-37175).
On the publish instance, the incoming requests are blocked for several minutes (NPR-37169).
When adding a multifield property in a dialog box for a custom workflow, the dialog box fails to proceed and the user is not able to close the dialog box (NPR-37075).
Translation projects
Auto-promotion of the translation launch fails with an exception (NPR-37528).
Translation of the Experience Fragment does not update the references for the language copy of the URL (NPR-37522).
When an Experience Fragment is created in a path that does not match the path of the language root structure, adding that page to a translation project reflects a blank error message (NPR-37425).
When a page (English) containing Experience Fragments is modified and sent for translation, the already translated Experience Fragments are overwritten by English content (NPR-37283).
Translation provider filter is not working appropriately (NPR-37186).
Experience Fragment and Accordion components are not getting translated out-of-the-box for the sample site content (NPR-37170).
After upgrading to Experience Manager, adding a page to the translation project reflects an empty error message (NPR-37105).
When adding pages inside launch, the translation pages having similar names are not included in the project (NPR-37082).
When exporting a forms dictionary as a .xliff file using the translator interface, the field order of the exported file is incorrect (NPR-37048).
When rolling out a parent page from a translation project, the language-specific child pages are deleted (NPR-36998).
When creating a translation project, cyclic referencing of the pages triggers a launch which results in an error (CQ-4332982).
The experience fragment link in the translated experience fragment and page contains the launch reference (NPR-37649).
- When uploading a new package, the memory alias in the MapEntries map is removed (NPR-37067).
method inInboxOmniSearchHandler
displays a null pointer exception (NPR-37533).
The user is not able to add comment to the page, the
operation fails with error code 500 (NPR-37156). -
When deploying the application, a segment not found exception is observed due to the long running session of SyncManager (NPR-37351).
The user is not able to see the thread replies on the forum discussion post (NPR-37083).
- Experience Manager Forms releases the add-on packages one week after the scheduled Experience Manager Service Pack release date.
Adaptive Forms
Accessibility – When you set the
layout for a panel in an adaptive form, the navigation buttons do not have Aria labels and role (NPR-37613). -
Validations on a date field in an adaptive form does not work, as expected (NPR-37556).
When the label text for the Checkbox and Radio Button components is long, the text does not fit appropriately (NPR-37294).
When you apply styling changes to the Thank You message of the AEM Forms Container component, the changes do not replicate in the source adaptive form (NPR-37284).
Differences in the value of the
component on the user interface and in the backend (NPR-37268). -
When you use the keyboard keys to navigate to the
option and press theEnter
key, you can submit the adaptive form multiple times (CQ-4333993). -
The Remove operation for the File Attachment component does not work, as expected (NPR-37376).
When a label for a field exceeds 1000 characters in an adaptive form that translates to various languages, the dictionary fails to retrieve the translation of the label (CQ-4329290).
Document Services
An error displays while using the Assembler service (NPR-37606):
500 Internal Server Error
When the document attachments are passed to the Assembler service, the following exception displays (NPR-37582):
com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.ProcessingException: : Failed to execute the DDX
Missing closing parenthesis from data after converting a PDF document to a PDF-A/1B PDF document (NPR-37608).
HTML5 Forms
When you install AEM, the HTML preview for an XDP form does not work (NPR-37503, CQ-4331926).
When user tries to convert XDP forms from PDF to HTML5 forms. Some issues which occur during rendering of the HTML5 forms for Cambodian fonts are:
- Line breaks are rendered in HTML5 forms. (CQ-4322508)
- Lists are not rendered correctly in HTML5 forms. (CQ-4322317)
- Extra spaces appear while rendering HTML5 forms rendition. (CQ-4322509)
Text overlapping issues while migrating the PDF forms to HTML 5 forms in various languages (NPR-37173).
- When you submit a letter and reopen it in HTML view, the position of text document fragments does not remain the same (NPR-37307).
Forms Workflow
- If there is an embedded container workflow, you get multiple workflow completion emails even after selecting the
Notify on Complete of Container Workflow
option (NPR-37280).
Foundation JEE
- After installing AEM 6.5 Forms Service Pack 9, the CRX repository URLs are no longer available (NPR-37592).
Issues fixed in AEM Forms
Submit actions, Send Email and Invoke an AEM Workflow stop working after installing the Forms add-on package.
CreatePDF operation stops converting Microsoft Word documents to PDF documents after installing the Forms add-on package.
(JEE Only) Critical security vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046) reported for Apache Log4j2.
(JEE only) Assembler DSC in patch contains incorrect metainfo like specification version and impl version.
When user tries to convert XDP forms from PDF to HTML5 forms, some of the fixed issues are:
- Support for Farsi to render as LTR.
- Support for RTL when mixed with LTR text.
- Support for image rotation.
- Support for the Cambodian language is added. To enable the support Combodian support, you need to enable flag as
while rendering HTML5 form.
For information on security updates, see Experience Manager security bulletins page.
Setup requirements and more information
- Experience Manager requires Experience Manager 6.5. See upgrade documentation for detailed instructions.
- The service pack download is available on Adobe Software Distribution.
- On a deployment with MongoDB and multiple instances, install Experience Manager on one of the Author instances using the Package Manager.
Install the service pack
To install the service pack on an Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 instance, follow these steps:
Restart the instance before installation if the instance is in update mode (when the instance was updated from an earlier version). Adobe recommends a restart if the current uptime for an instance is high.
Before installing, take a snapshot or a fresh backup of your Experience Manager instance.
Download the service pack from Software Distribution.
Open Package Manager and click Upload Package to upload the package. To know more, see Package Manager.
Select the package and click Install.
To update the S3 connector, stop the instance after installation of the Service Pack, replace the existing connector with a new binary file provided in the install folder, and restart the instance. See Amazon S3 Data Store.
Automatic installation
There are two ways to automatically install Experience Manager on a working instance:
A. Place the package into ../crx-quickstart/install
folder when the server is available online. The package is automatically installed.
B. Use the HTTP API from Package Manager. Use cmd=install&recursive=true
so that the nested packages are installed.
Validate the installation
The product information page (
) displays the updated version stringAdobe Experience Manager (
under Installed Products. -
All OSGi bundles are either ACTIVE or FRAGMENT in the OSGi Console (Use Web Console:
). -
The OSGi bundle
is version 1.22.9 or later (Use Web Console:/system/console/bundles
To know the platforms certified to work with this release, see the technical requirements.
The UberJar for Experience Manager is available in the Maven Central repository.
To use UberJar in a Maven project, see how to use UberJar and include the following dependency in your project POM:
). The main UberJar file is renamed to uber-jar-<version>.jar
. So, there is no classifier
, with apis
as the value, for the dependency
When you install AEM 6.5 with Service Pack 11, and try to download the status ZIP file, Experience Manager downloads a corrupt file. Download and install AEM Sites SEO Index Package on your AEM instance before downloading the ZIP file to resolve the issue.
If you are using Content Fragments and GraphQL, then it is recommended that you upgrade to and install the appropriate packages.
- If upgrading to is not an option, contact Support to evaluate whether a workaround can be implemented in the meantime.
As Microsoft Windows Server 2019 does not support MySQL 5.7 and JBoss EAP 7.1, Microsoft Windows Server 2019 does not support turnkey installations for AEM Forms
If you upgrade your Experience Manager instance from 6.5.0 - 6.5.4 to the latest service pack on Java 11, you see
exceptions in theerror.log
file. To stop the exceptions, restart your instance of Experience Manager. -
Users can rename a folder in a hierarchy in Assets and publish a nested folder to Brand Portal. However, the title of the folder is not updated in Brand Portal until the root folder is republished.
When a user selects to configure a field for the first time in an adaptive form, the option to save a configuration does not display in Properties Browser. Selecting to configure some other field of the adaptive form in the same editor resolves the issue.
The following errors and warning messages may display during installation of Experience Manager 6.5.x.x:
- "When the Adobe Target integration is configured in Experience Manager using the Target Standard API (IMS authentication), then exporting Experience Fragments to Target results in wrong offer types getting created. Instead of type “Experience Fragment”/source “Adobe Experience Manager,” Target creates several offers with type “HTML”/source “Adobe Target Classic.”
: No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.- Adaptive Form server-side validation fails when aggregate functions such as SUM, MAX, and MIN are used (CQ-4274424).
- No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.- Hotspot in a Dynamic Media interactive image is not visible when previewing the asset through Shoppable Banner viewer. bundle (395)[]
: Timeout waiting for reg change to complete unregistered.
When trying to move/delete/publish either Content Fragments or Sites/Pages, there is an issue when Content Fragment references are fetched, as the background query will fail; that is, the functionality will not work.
To ensure correct operation you need to add the following properties to the index definition node/oak:index/damAssetLucene
(no re-indexing is required) :"tags": [ "visualSimilaritySearch" ] "refresh": true
OSGi bundles and content packages included
The following text documents list the OSGi bundles and Content Packages included in Experience Manager
Restricted websites
These websites are only available to customers. If you are a customer and need access, contact your Adobe account manager.
Key releases since Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 SP10
Between August 26, 2021, and November 25, 2021, Adobe released the following, in addition to the Service Packs: