Storefront and headless options

Facets that are rendered for the Commerce storefront are processed by the search adapter, which routes requests and renders the results in the storefront. All Commerce storefront facets are sorted alphabetically with single-select options, regardless of the input type that is assigned to the corresponding attribute. Facets that are available in the storefront are rendered according to the current theme and reflect any customizations made to the presentation of layered navigation.

In contrast, headless implementations are processed by the API and support additional options. Headless facets can be sorted alphabetically or by count, and can have either single- or multi-select options.

Facet labels

For Commerce storefronts, the facet label is determined by the Attribute Properties. For stores with multiple views, additional labels can be defined under Manage Labels. For headless implementations, labels are edited from the faceting workspace.

Sort type

All facets rendered for the storefront are sorted alphabetically. For headless implementations, facets can be sorted alphabetically or by count.

Sort typeDescription
AlphabeticIn the storefront Filters list, facets are sorted alphabetically.
Count(Headless only) For headless implementations, facets can also be sorted by the number of values found per facet in the current set of returned products.
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