End an Amazon listing

Manually end a single or multiple Amazon listings

  1. View one or more listings on the Product Listings page (Inactive, Active, or Ineligible tab).

  2. In the left-side column, click to check each of the listings you wish to end.

  3. Under Actions, click End listing(s) on Amazon.

  4. Click OK on the confirmation message.

Manually end a single Amazon listing

  1. View one or more listings on the Product Listings page (Inactive, Active, or Ineligible tab).

  2. In the Action column, click Select > End Listing.

  3. Click OK on the confirmation message.

When ending a single listing or multiple listings, a message confirms that the selected listing is being processed to end. Ended listings can be managed on the Ended tab on the Product Listings page. When processed and removed from Amazon, the status for the listing changes to Manually Ended. Ended listings are removed from Amazon until you manually republish the listing using the Publish to Amazon action.
