This table matches the nms:group schema.
It enables you to create statical groups of recipients. There is a many-to-many relation between recipients and groups. For example, one recipient can belong to several groups and one group can contain several recipients. Groups can be created manually, via an import or via delivery targeting. Groups are often used as delivery targets. There is a unique index on the field representing the internal name of the sName group. The group is linked to a folder (The key is iFolderId. For more on this, see XtkFolder).
The NmsRcpGrpRel relationship table only contains the two fields corresponding to the identifiers of the iRecipientId and iGroupId linked tables.
This table matches the nms:service schema.
In Adobe Campaign, you can create and manage subscriptions to information services (topics). The NmsService table stores the definition of the information services (topics) that you offer your recipients to subscribe to (a newsletter for example).
Services are entities which are similar to groups (static recipient groupings), except that they circulate more information and enable easy management of subscriptions and unsubscriptions via forms.
There is a unique index on the field representing the internal name of the sName service. The service is linked to a folder (The key is iFolderId. For more on this, see XtkFolder). Finally, the iType field specifies the delivery channel of this service (0 for email, 1 for SMS, 2 for telephone, 3 for direct mail and 4 for fax).
This table matches the nms:subscription schema.
It enables you to manage recipient subscriptions to information services.
This table matches the nms:subHisto schema.
If the subscriptions are managed using web forms or the interface of the application, all susbcriptions and unsubscriptions are historized in the NmsSubHisto table. The iAction field specifies the action (0 for unsubscription and 1 for subscription) performed on the date stored in the tsDate field.
This table matches the nms:delivery schema.
Each record in this table represents a delivery action or a delivery template. It contains all the necessary parameters for performing deliveries (the target, the content, etc.). Delivery (broadcast) logs (NmsBroadLog) and associated tracking URLs (NmsTrackingUrl) are created during the analysis phase (see below for further details on both of these tables).
There is a unique index on the field representing the internal name of the sInternalName delivery or scenario. The delivery is linked to an execution folder (The foreign key is iFolderProcessId. For more on this, see XtkFolder).
It contains all the folders in the tree visible in the Navigation tab of the console.
The folders are typed: the value of the sModel field specifies the type of data that can be contained in the folder. This field also enables the client console to display the data correctly with the corresponding forms. The possible values for this field are defined in the navTree.
The tree is managed by the iParentId and iChildCount fields. The sFullName field gives the full path of the folder in the tree. Finally, there is a unique index on the field representing the internal name of the sName folder.
Delivery and tracking
This set of tables is linked to the Delivery module, which allows to monitor deliveries and eventual issues encountered when messages are sent. For more on this, see Monitoring deliveries. For more on tracking, see Tracking messages.
NmsBroadLogMsg: This table matches the nms:broadLogMsg schema. It is an extension of the delivery log table.
Campaign management
This set of tables is linked to the Marketing campaigns module, which allows to define, optimize, execute and analyze communications and marketing campaigns. For more on this, see About marketing campaigns.
- NmsOperation: This table matches the nms:operation schema. It contains the data of marketing campaigns.
- NmsDeliveryOutline: This table matches the nms:deliveryOutline schema. It contains the extended properties of the delivery (delivery outline).
- NmsDlvOutlineItem: This table matches the nms:dlvOutlineItem schema. It contains the articles of a delivery outline.
- NmsDeliveryCustomization: This table matches the nms:deliveryCustomization schema. It contains the personalization fields of a delivery.
- NmsBudget: This table matches the nms:budget schema. It contains the data of a budget on a campaign, a plan, a program, a task and/or deliveries.
- NmsDocument: This table matches the nms:document schema. It contains the marketing documents of the campaign in the form of files (images, excel or word files, etc.)
- XtkWorkflow: This table matches the xtk:workflow schema. It contains campaign targeting.
- NmsTask: This table matches the nms:task schema. It contains the definition of a marketing task.
- NmsAsset: This table matches the nms:asset schema. It contains the definition of a marketing resource.
Communication consistency
This set of tables is linked to the Campaign Optimization module, which allows to control, filter and monitor the sending of deliveries. For more on this, see About campaign typologies.
- NmsTypologyRule: This table matches the nms:typologyRule schema. It contains the rules which apply to deliveries depending on typologies.
- NmsTypology: This table matches the nms:typology schema. It contains the set of rules to be applied to deliveries which match the typology.
- NmsTypologyRuleRel: This table matches the nms:typologyRuleRel schema. It contains the relationships between typologies and their rules.
- NmsVolumeLine: This table matches the nms:volumeLine schema. It contains the set of availability lines of the capacity rules.
- NmsVolumeConsumed: This table matches the nms:volumeConsumed schema. It contains all the consumption lines of the capacity rules.
Response management
This set of tables is linked to the Response Manager module, which allows to measure the success and profitability of marketing campaigns or offer propositions for all communication channels. For more on this, see About response manager.
This table coincides with the nms:remaHypothesis schema. It contains the definition of the measurement hypothesis.
This table contains significant information stored in XML, including:
Execution context (information stored in XML)
The execution context populates the tables and fields to be taken into account for measurement calculation, namely:
- The nms:remaMatchRcp reaction log storage schema.
- The transaction table schema (purchases for example).
- The querying schema, which enables you to define the start table of the hypothesis conditions.
- The links to individuals, which enable you to identify the individual based on the querying schema.
- The transaction date. This field is not mandatory but we recommend that you use it to restrict the calculation perimeter.
- The transaction amount: it is an optional field for automatically calculating revenue indicators.
Hypothesis perimeter (information stored in XML)
The hypothesis perimeter consists in the filtering of the hypothesis based on the table of the querying schema.
Hypothesis overload script (information stored in XML)
The hypothesis overload script is a JavaScript code which enables you to overload the content of the hypothesis during execution.
Measurement indicators
The following indicators are updated automatically during the hypothesis execution:
- Number of reactions: iTransaction. Number of lines in the reaction logs table.
- Number of contacted: iContactReacted. Distinct number of targeted contacts in the hypothesis.
- Control group count: iProofReacted. Distinct number of targeted control group contacts in the hypothesis.
- Contacted response rate: dContactReactedRate. Response rate of the targeted contacts in the hypothesis.
- Response rate of the control group: dProofReactedRate. Response rate of the hypothesis control group.
- Total revenue of population contacted: dContactReactedTotalAmount. Total revenue of the targeted contacts in the hypothesis.
- Average revenue of control group: dContactReactedAvgAmount. Average revenue of the targeted control group contacts in the hypothesis.
- Total revenue of the control group: dProofReactedTotalAmount. Total revenue of the hypothesis control group.
- Average revenue of control group: dProofReactedAvgAmount. Average revenue of the hypothesis control group.
- Total margin per contact: dContactReactedTotalMargin. Total margin per contact targeted in the hypothesis.
- Average margin per contact: dContactReactedAvgMargin. Average margin per contact targeted in the hypothesis.
- Total margin of control group: dProofReactedTotalMargin. Total margin of the control group targeted in the hypothesis.
- Average margin of control group: dProofReactedAvgMargin. Average margin of the control group targeted in the hypothesis.
- Additional revenue: dAdditionnalAmount. (Average revenue of contacted - Average revenue of control group) * Number of contacted.
- Additional margin: dAdditionnalMargin. (Average margin of contacted - Average margin of control group) / Number of contacted.
- Average cost per contact (SQL expression). Calculated cost of the delivery / Number of contacted.
- ROI (SQL expression). Calculated cost of the delivery / Total margin of contacted.
- Effective ROI (SQL expression). Calculated cost of the delivery / Additional margin.
- Significance: iSignificativy (SQL expression). Contains values from 0 to 3 depending on the significance of the campaign.
This table matches the nms:remaMatchRcp schema.
It contains a record representing an individual’s reaction to a given hypothesis. These records were created during hypothesis execution.
Simulation and delivery
This set of tables is linked to the Simulation module, which allows to test the distribution of offers belonging to a category or an environment before sending your proposition to recipients. For more on this, see About offers simulation.
- NmsSimulation: This table matches the nms:simulation schema. It represents a simulation for a set of deliveries or offers on a given population.
- NmsDlvSimulationRel: This table matches the nms:dlvSimulationRel schema. It contains the list of deliveries taken into account in the simulation. The scope of the simulation is stored in XML.
- NmsOfferSimulationRel: This table matches the nms:offerSimulationRel schema. It lets you link up a simulation with an offer.
Interaction Module
This set of tables is linked to the Interaction module, which allows to respond in real time during an interaction with a given contact by making them a single or several adapted offers. For more on this, see Interaction and offer management.
- NmsOffer: This table matches the nms:offer schema. It contains the definition of each marketing offer.
- NmsPropositionRcp: This table matches the nms:propositionRcp schema. It contains the cross-channel log of marketing propositions sent to each individual. The record is created when a proposition is prepared or effectively made to an individual.
- NmsOfferSpace: This table matches the nms:offerSpace schema. It contains the definition of locations on which propositions are made.
- NmsOfferContext: This table matches the nms:offerContext schema. It contains additional criteria on the applicability of the proposition as well as the definition of the weight calculation formula.
- NmsOfferView: This table matches the nms:offerView. It contains the offer representations.
- NmsOfferCategory: This table matches the nms:offerCategory. It contains the offer categories.
- NmsOfferEnv: This table matches the nms:offerEnv. It contains the offer environments.
Message Center Module
The following set of tables is linked to the Transactional messaging (Message Center) module, which allows to manage individual and unique communications sent to a user and generated from events triggered from information systems. For more on this, see About transactional messaging.
This table matches the nms:rtEvent schema. It contains a definition of real time events.
This table matches the nms:batchEvent schema. It contains the definition of events by batch.
NMAC Module
This set of tables is linked to the Mobile App Channel, which allows to send personalized notifications to iOS and Android terminals via apps. For more on this, see About mobile app channel.
- NmsMobileApp: This table matches the nms:mobileApp schema. It contains the mobile applications defined in Adobe Campaign.
- NmsAppSubscription: This table matches the nms:appSubscription schema. It contains the subscribers information regarding one or more applications.
- NmsAppSubscriptionRcp: This table matches the nms:appSubscriptionRcp schema. It enables you to link up visitors who subscribed to an application with the recipients table.
- NmsExcludeLogAppSubRcp: This table matches the nms:excludeLogAppSubRcp schema.
- NmsTrackingLogAppSubRcp: This table matches the nms:trackingLogAppSubRcp schema.
- NmsBroadLogAppSubRcp: This table matches the nms:broadLogAppSubRcp schema.