Common error messages

You may encounter errors when interacting with Analysis Workspace that will also influence performance. Listed below are the most common error types, why they occur, and optimizations that can be made.

Error message
Why does this occur?
The data view is experiencing unusually heavy reporting. Please try again later.
Your organization is trying to run too many concurrent requests against a specific data view. Contributors to this error are API requests, scheduled projects, scheduled reports, scheduled alerts, and concurrent users making reporting requests.

Spread your requests and schedules for the data view more evenly throughout the day.

Administrators can use the Reporting Activity Manager to identify and cancel requests that are consuming reporting capacity.

This report is too complex. Please review best practices for building Analysis Workspace reports.
Your reporting request is too large and cannot be executed. Contributors to this error are timeouts due to the request’s complexity.
Simplify your request by shortening the date range, simplifying the filter criteria, or removing some columns or rows in your table. Or, consider splitting the table into separate requests.
The data view is currently exceeding its reporting capacity. Please simplify the request or try again later.
Your organization is trying to run too many concurrent requests against a specific data view. Contributors to this error are API requests, scheduled projects, and concurrent users making reporting requests.
Spread your requests and schedules for the data view more evenly throughout the day.
A system error has occurred. Please log a Customer Care request under Help > Submit Support Ticket and include your error code.
Adobe is experiencing an issue that needs to be resolved.
Submit the error code to Customer Care.
Error 500: Failed to load page
Issues with your local network, such as company firewall settings, are a contributing factor to this error. Additionally, Adobe may be experiencing an issue that needs to be resolved.
Try logging in again after several minutes. If the issue persists, submit the EIM instance ID code to Customer Care.
Your request failed as a result of too many columns or pre-configured rows.
Your table has too many freeform cells (row * columns).
Remove columns or rows in your table, or consider splitting the table into separate requests.